Originally Posted by Rudeboyelvis
No, I want to pay 11.50 for a Big Mac so that the burger flipper can meet with his accountant to manage his 401K.
Funny how you are going to pay others irresponsibility either way, it just incenses some that they are paying for it on the back end (taxes). Of course that is until they get their 15.00 an hour raise and you pay for it daily in groceries, clothing, restaurants, etc.
i was asking for a genuine answer. not hyperbole regarding the price of a big mac and sarcasm about 401k's. and again, the conversation I was involved in had to do with minimum wage being around $10 an hour, which is where it should be according to economists who track those things. had it increased as it did in the past (and during past economic crises at that) it would be around 10. not 15.
so, how do we put an end to subsidizing millions of workers thru taxes?