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Old 12-06-2013, 12:36 PM
Rudeboyelvis Rudeboyelvis is offline
Belmont Park
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
great idea, rudeboy. so glad we had this conversation, it's been very enlightening.
Yup, back at ya.

I just don't feel as though the conversation is going anywhere. You apparently feel the answer is federally regulated profit margins, federally regulated wage scales, federally regulated price controls, etc. to address this. & I'm not buying it. No worries. I hope we can agree to disagree.

Common sense is a wonderful thing.

Ross Perot & his Nostradamus-like predictions of where we would be if we accepted NAFTA and by extension had to compete globally for goods and labor along with what our Federal budget would look like if we didn't address SS and entitlement issues 20 years ago, are haunting. He was big into common sense, if you recall.

Yet there were Economists, climbing all over each other, waiting for the opportunity to "explain" (because we are all too dumb to get it) how NAFTA was "good" for us.

20 years later, the "Giant Sucking Sound" of good paying jobs fleeing our country continues to whir loudly by today.

60% of our Federal budget going to SSI and Medicare because it was not politically expedient to address this 20 years ago when he foresaw exactly this.

He was a "nut", a "kook", a "fill in the derogatory slur". Yet he was 100% correct. It was common sense. But you couldn't swing a cat by it's tail without hitting an Economist's that would dispute him. Loudly and with charts!!

So forgive me for calling bullsh1t upon hearing how forcing companies to absorb a 20% increase in minimum wage labor costs is somehow "good" for the consumers and the economy.

Common sense.

And as for the anecdotal argument that executive compensation needs to be curbed and that profit reinvested into minimum wage labor costs (enforced by who, again? the Govt.?) - again, this is a pimple on an elephant's asz. and the math doesn't come close to making your case. You are simply looking for a bogey man to blame, and facts be damned. So I'm done with the conversation. Have a great day.
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