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Old 12-25-2013, 06:48 PM
Ocala Mike
Posts: n/a
Default My Congressman's Christmas Message

Here is an excerpt from what he e-mailed out to, presumably, ALL of his constituents:

"As we settle down with our family this evening to enjoy Christmas Eve, I want to encourage you to take a moment, give thanks, and remember that this season is a time for unity, family, and the birth of our savior Jesus Christ. We all have so much to be grateful for and, too often, it is easy to forget what is really important in the midst of our day-to-day grind."

Just wondering if there are any Jews, Muslims, or heathens in his district who may not have accepted Jesus Christ as their savior just yet. Talking about unity while espousing a specific set of beliefs seems a little ironic to me. Opinions?

Yes, I say Merry Christmas, not Happy Holidays, and I recognize that the birth of Christ is being celebrated, but did he have to use the words "our savior."? Maybe he meant just his family, not his constituency?
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