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Old 03-06-2014, 06:42 AM
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Steve Byk
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Greenwich, NY
Posts: 43,546
Default BEST RACE EVER... The Thread.

Watching 2007 Tampa Bay Derby inspired the idea to start this thread: Best race(s) you've seen in person. Went to TBD with Cajungator that St. Patrick's Day for the Street Sense-Any Given Saturday throwdown that is as terrific now as it was then. Watching it, a few forgotten elements are jarred including Any Given Saturday being 3-5 (!) v. Street Sense at 6-5 and Velazquez losing all that ground on the turn. An outstanding call by Grunder too..


Post your Best Race(s) Ever Attended -- with video if possible -- and your recollections..
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