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Old 04-17-2014, 11:25 AM
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dellinger63 dellinger63 is offline
Join Date: May 2006
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WalMart's annual income statement speaks volumes.....

Using 2013 numbers

Total Sales: $469.16 billion. If we use Wisconsin as the example (as done in the original article cited) the sales tax comes to $23.45 billion

Salaries, wages etc. $88.87 billion. In WI the lowest State Income tax rate is 4.4% or $3.9 billion in State taxes, another $5.5 billion in FICA taxes and even if we use 15% as a median Fed Tax % it adds another $13.3 billion

Income Tax Paid by WalMart $7.98 billion

The WalMart Foundation handed out $1 billion to charity

All those billions add up to a grand total of $55.13 billion

Oh and let's not forget the newly discovered GM rule in that 77K workers represented 1 million ancillary jobs. Applying it to WalMart's 1.4 million workforce comes out to 18.18 million jobs, all paying State, FICA and Federal taxes.
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