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Old 04-19-2014, 09:09 AM
Danzig Danzig is offline
Dee Tee Stables
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Originally Posted by Rudeboyelvis View Post
yeah but Dell you didn't get the memo that paying people a ridiculously high minimum wage is going to fix 'Merica cuz a biased study subsidized by organized labor said so.
Oh, and the federal tax subsidies will automatically stop too because if they pay out more money then they won't need to raise prices or won't need as many tax breaks which in turn will be voluntarily given back to the tax payers ...or something.....Wait... maybe it was that they would need to raise prices and spur hyper-inflation AND need more tax subsidies because they have less dollars coming in....but that's all ok, because then the minimum wage workers would get a few dollars less back on their 1040EZ which makes us all winners...or something.

I'm sorry...Removing common sense gets confusing. My apologies.
Define ridiculously high.

As has been shown, repeatedly, had minimum wage continued to track as it used to, it would be 10.50/hour right now. The same time that the minimum wage started lagging behid is when all other wages started to falter. It also coincides with pay to the top earners growing like crazy. The money the corporations are paying out started skewing. Its common sense to accept the gap between employee and exec pay? It is common sense to say they cannot afford to pay their employees when you see the amazing increases to the tip execs? I could accept that wagez had a good reason to be lower, were it not for the fact they are not lower for everyone.
The money is there, the prioritizing is not.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.
Abraham Lincoln
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