Originally Posted by dylbert
My point is give an academic a grant and you will get answer you want! Give these quasi-government think tank outfits money and they too will provide answer you want. And with today's technology, most anyone can mashup 'facts' from any number of 'studies' to support any argument or cause.
So find a study, start thread, and watch the fun begin!
The only difference is a government backed grant/study will give the answers the government wants while billing the taxpayer, while these quasi-think tanks get their money from either the Koch bros. or George Soros etc. etc. leaving the taxpayer out of it.
Of course they are used to validate views correct or not that the gullible digest without question gaining allies/voters to that particular view.
And it's amazing how they work on some people. Take for instance Michael Bloomberg's recent pledge of $50 million for the gun control movement. You'd think America is under siege, murder victims galore however when you consider in 1974 with a US population of 211.39 million we had 20,710 murders or 1/10,207 and in 2012 with a population 313.91 million we had 14,827 murders or 1/21,110 you realize it isn't so. And to the contrary the murder rate has been more than halved. Yet the Danzig's of the world use Slate, Huffington or FOX and Infowars as their bible never questioning their 'teachings'.
(US Murder Rates By Year)