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Old 04-22-2014, 07:28 PM
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Originally Posted by jms62 View Post

We are becoming third world where a few in business are disgustingly wealthy and they buy the politicians to rig the rules to make themselves even more wealthy. Death Spiral if you ask me.
Hey Chicken Little,

The other side.

We consider 'poor' for a single person at $11,670 or under and that comes out to $40/day.

Give me some stats on how close we're becoming a third world country, or even close to one.

P.S. the sky isn't falling!

As demonstrated earlier if only minimum wage and US median income had kept up with increases to welfare since 40 years ago we'd be at $24/hr. plus minimum wage and $150K plus US median income.

Then again we are the most generous country on earth despite the inability of 25% of our citizens being unable to graduate from high-school.

Take another bow America you deserve it!
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