Originally Posted by Pants II
zig do you really believe that a gun ban in bars will be followed by an unreasonable person?
Typically the person you're describing is a coward. They know that guns aren't allowed in certain places.
If anything, this will prevent rowdiness and overall thuggery in drinking establishments...If the BAR OWNER decides that guns are allowed.
This isn't even addressing the fact that we, as citizens, have a right to keep and bear arms.
I applaud the state of Georgia for helping to level the playing field and rejecting the authoritarian incompetence of the Feds who ship guns to Mexican cartels and want nothing more than to disarm law-abiding, tax paying citizens.
yes, because when i think of incompetent govt, the first thing i want to do is carry a gun to a bar.
glad i don't live in ga, or hang out in bars.