Originally Posted by Pants II
If you didn't support them then this thread wouldn't exist. You already chided him for not paying his bills.
So you support the BLM, Harry Reid, and all of the other statists in that regard.
You can try and wiggle out of it all you'd like. The reality is you're supporting their propaganda campaign.
Where is your thread about them pointing guns at him and his family and arresting his son?
That's right. It doesn't exist.
Good day. I've got handicapping to do and donations to give to the horse racing industry.

he hasn't paid his bills that he owes. lots of people graze their cattle on public land and pay the fees.
again, not sure how this thread supposedly 'exposes' my overall point of view regarding the feds---which is that the fed has gotten too large over the years.
good day to you as well.