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Old 08-06-2014, 10:53 AM
Rudeboyelvis Rudeboyelvis is offline
Belmont Park
Join Date: Nov 2006
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
banks make a killing on the ebt cards.
walmart makes a killing because they get a ton of people in their stores using those cards. if they paid more, it would kill their bottom line, because WE are keeping those people at a living wage. adding to their hourly wage would remove them from welfare, but wouldn't change their situation insofar as spending.
god, i hate walmart, and all the other corporations who gorge themselves while paying crap to their employees.
It really is akin to the "Company Store" back in the old coal mining days. Miners were paid in chits that they redeemed for goods and rent from the General store and shacks owned by the mine owners on site.

The mine owners never paid a dime - just indentured miners by providing them overpriced crap and rent - they could never get out of the cycle. The owners even went so far as to hire their own police forces...errr..."Private Detective Agencies" keep them in line.

We know the only way that changed

It really is too bad that people's jealousy of other's better fortunes virtually killed the labor movement in this country. It's amazing what people take for granted these days. Especially considering the offshore labor, right before their eyes, used to make all they crap they consume.
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