Originally Posted by GenuineRisk
In many cases, they honestly forget (at least in the case of kids. I honestly don't understand some people's obsessive need to take their animal everywhere with them. My son got bitten this summer by a dog on a subway, where a dog is not supposed to be). There was a really sad article in the Washington Post a few years back about people who forgot their kids were in the car (warning: very upsetting read):
I mean, yes, some people are just irresponsible asshats, but sometimes they aren't. I read somewhere that it's recommended a person taking their kid to work put their purse or laptop bag, or something they absolutely need, in the back seat so they can't leave the car without seeing their kid. Terrible to think we remember a laptop more readily than we do a kid, but that's the human brain for you.
I'm sorry, but how can you "forget" your child is in the back of the car? I get a lot of static here because I believe most of the World is in a grey zone, but that is B&W to even me.