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Old 11-08-2006, 12:11 PM
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Default Rumsfeld leaving?

So the news blurb I saw said. Anyone heard any more?

Now, it would be just like Bush to appoint Lieberman to replace him so the Republican governor could appoint Lieberman's replacement, guaranteeing the GOP hangs onto the Senate...

Dear God; I've got to get away from the news today; I'm starting to believe the right-wing conspiracy nuts... wait... that theory was posted on a conservative site... aaaaggghhhhh! Paranoia! Paranoia! Need to go look at a nice, impartial racing form....
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Old 11-08-2006, 12:13 PM
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just saw the headline, he resigned.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.
Abraham Lincoln
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Old 11-08-2006, 12:15 PM
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gates, former cia head, said to be the nom to replace him.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.
Abraham Lincoln
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Old 11-08-2006, 12:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig188
gates, former cia head, said to be the nom to replace him.
Okay, I can put away my tinfoil hat then. Whew.
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Old 11-08-2006, 01:14 PM
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Timing is funny.

Sent to Stud smells scandal.
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Old 11-08-2006, 01:19 PM
Downthestretch55 Downthestretch55 is offline
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Originally Posted by SentToStud
Timing is funny.

Sent to Stud smells scandal.
You might be on to something.
especially after today's press conference wherein Dubby dissed Cheney.
Lucky for King George that he didn't go on that hunting trip to South dakota with Dicky C. Who knows what might have accidently happened if he did.
Georgie didn't sound too happy at all.
"Where did they hide my clothes?"
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Old 11-08-2006, 01:44 PM
Nascar1966 Nascar1966 is offline
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Default Rumsfeld

Maybe now we will get someone who has a clue.
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Old 11-08-2006, 01:48 PM
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expect this. .. Repubs will race Democrats to hold hearings. They will do this because now Dems have the power to "open up the books." It's in the self-preservation interest of Republicans to do this. Sure they would prefer to not make Bush look bad, but frankly Bush no longer matters to them.

We will see all kinds of Repub posturing against Rumsfeld now because, after all, he is the one served up to fall on the sword. Cheney will be the next to feel the heat as he will be lumped into the "old crew" bunch and he'll be labeled as Rumsfeld's benefactor. In the meantime, every Democrat, especially in the House, is lining up to kiss the hand of Pelosi.

And whether there is anything truly scandalous to be found does not really matter. In fact, it does not matter at all.

It's true that policy and what the election means for average people is a nuanced and gradual process. Politics, however, will change virtually overnight. And it probably won't even take that long.

Repubs you never heard of lining up to bite the hand that fed them. Nancy Pelosi.... we'll be pretty tired of learning all about her by the end of the week.

If you don't get too caught up in each specific sound bite, it's actually pretty interesting to watch.

Last edited by SentToStud : 11-08-2006 at 01:54 PM.
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Old 11-08-2006, 01:57 PM
Downthestretch55 Downthestretch55 is offline
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Originally Posted by SentToStud
expect this. .. Repubs will race Democrats to hold hearings. They will do this because now Dems have the power to "open up the books." It's in the self-preservation interest of Republicans to do this. Sure they would prefer to not make Bush look bad, but frankly Bush no longer matters to them.

We will see all kinds of Repub posturing against Rumsfeld now because, after all, he is the one served up to fall on the sword. Cheney will be the next to feel the heat as he will be lumped into the "old crew" bunch and he'll be labeled as Rumsfeld's benefactor. In the meantime, every Democrat, especially in the House, is lining up to kiss the hand of Pelosi.

And whether there is anything truly scandalous to be found does not really matter. In fact, it does not matter at all.

It's true that policy and what the election means for average people is a nuanced and gradual process. Politics, however, will change virtually overnight. And it probably won't even take that long.

Repubs you never heard of lining up to bite the hand that fed them. Nancy Pelosi.... we'll be pretty tired of learning all about her by the end of the week.

If you don't get too caught up in each specific sound bite, it's actually pretty interesting to watch.
Dubbya, "First I liked him, but then I didn't".
Flipitty flop, flippity flop.
Somebody throw that drowning idiot a life ring!
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Old 11-08-2006, 02:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Downthestretch55
Dubbya, "First I liked him, but then I didn't".
Flipitty flop, flippity flop.
Somebody throw that drowning idiot a life ring!
Politics is a rough biz. My wife was a senior staffer for Sen. Chuck Percy for 3 years. Percy got beat by Paul "bowtie" Simon.

Despite wearing expensive suits and pricey makeup, politicians are above anything, self-preservationists.

And, DTS, don't fault Repubs for running away from GWB too harshly. After all, it very well could be Pres Gore if he didn't run away from Clinton. It's just what politicians do.
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Old 11-08-2006, 02:28 PM
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On the Senate side, if it does go Dem, the first real interesting dynamic is Leiberman. You'll hear some Democrats call for Leiberman to retain his seniority. I can't imagine that's going to happen. Joe stays a Senator, but returns to Go as an indy. He went down the road alone in supporting the war and I think the Dems will make him pay.
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Old 11-08-2006, 03:47 PM
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Originally Posted by GenuineRisk
So the news blurb I saw said. Anyone heard any more?

Now, it would be just like Bush to appoint Lieberman to replace him so the Republican governor could appoint Lieberman's replacement, guaranteeing the GOP hangs onto the Senate...

Dear God; I've got to get away from the news today; I'm starting to believe the right-wing conspiracy nuts... wait... that theory was posted on a conservative site... aaaaggghhhhh! Paranoia! Paranoia! Need to go look at a nice, impartial racing form....
You lunatic liberal elitists from NY need to get mental help. Your conspiracy theories are what allows extremists to take things over. You completely biased partisans are sickening. Why can't you be happy a bad man is now gone. Why? Because you liberal elitists don't really care about our country you just like to have punching bags and complain. You are no better than the right wing lunatics you complain about.
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Old 11-08-2006, 03:50 PM
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Originally Posted by SentToStud
On the Senate side, if it does go Dem, the first real interesting dynamic is Leiberman. You'll hear some Democrats call for Leiberman to retain his seniority. I can't imagine that's going to happen. Joe stays a Senator, but returns to Go as an indy. He went down the road alone in supporting the war and I think the Dems will make him pay.
I don't think so. He keeps his seniority and the Democrats now control all the committees in the Senate. Live with it. That is whay you get for supporting a neocon lunatic war.

Finally the Republicans woke up and got rid of the last powerful neocons, Dick Cheney and his little tool Donald Rumsfeld. The real Republicans, Bush 41 guys, have taken back control of the party. That is why the realist moderate republicans will win the White House in 2008 with a moderate like McCain.
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Old 11-08-2006, 04:03 PM
Downthestretch55 Downthestretch55 is offline
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Originally Posted by Revolution
I don't think so. He keeps his seniority and the Democrats now control all the committees in the Senate. Live with it. That is whay you get for supporting a neocon lunatic war.

Finally the Republicans woke up and got rid of the last powerful neocons, Dick Cheney and his little tool Donald Rumsfeld. The real Republicans, Bush 41 guys, have taken back control of the party. That is why the realist moderate republicans will win the White House in 2008 with a moderate like McCain.
McCain moderate? Please explain.
I might still be dealing with "lunatic liberal NY elitists" any other names?
Seems to me that there are plenty enough lunatics roaming around.
btw...most of the time I agree with you, just curious about your McCain statement. If he keeps calling for more troops in Iraq, is that the definition of a "lunatic", or just someone a bit out of touch?
Also, what do you think of his definition of "victory"?
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Old 11-08-2006, 04:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Revolution
You lunatic liberal elitists from NY need to get mental help. Your conspiracy theories are what allows extremists to take things over. You completely biased partisans are sickening. Why can't you be happy a bad man is now gone. Why? Because you liberal elitists don't really care about our country you just like to have punching bags and complain. You are no better than the right wing lunatics you complain about.
Sweeeettttt.... I wondered when you were going to call this crossword-puzzle lover a liberal elitist again. Ooh, say it again, Rev! It's likely the closest I'll ever actually be to being one, seeing as how I ain't exactly making the big bucks! Say it again! "Ellllleeeeeetiiiiiist." Oh, gets me hot when it comes from your fingers.

In the meantime, you crossword puzzle-hater, I was making a funny-- see "tinfoil hat" comment, later. And the Lieberman theory came off of a CONSERVATIVE website, as I said in the post. For the love of God, find your sense of humor. Maybe you left it under a rock? Tossed it in the wash with your undies? Crumpled it up in a beer napkin and left it in a bar? Where'd you put it? Huh? Huh?

But first, say it to me again, soft and breathy, "ellleeeeeeetisssssst." Oh. Oh, yeah.
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Old 11-08-2006, 04:37 PM
Downthestretch55 Downthestretch55 is offline
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Originally Posted by GenuineRisk
Sweeeettttt.... I wondered when you were going to call this crossword-puzzle lover a liberal elitist again. Ooh, say it again, Rev! It's likely the closest I'll ever actually be to being one, seeing as how I ain't exactly making the big bucks! Say it again! "Ellllleeeeeetiiiiiist." Oh, gets me hot when it comes from your fingers.

In the meantime, you crossword puzzle-hater, I was making a funny-- see "tinfoil hat" comment, later. And the Lieberman theory came off of a CONSERVATIVE website, as I said in the post. For the love of God, find your sense of humor. Maybe you left it under a rock? Tossed it in the wash with your undies? Crumpled it up in a beer napkin and left it in a bar? Where'd you put it? Huh? Huh?

But first, say it to me again, soft and breathy, "ellleeeeeeetisssssst." Oh. Oh, yeah.
I love it when you talk that way!
I'll be back after I take a cold shower...
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Old 11-08-2006, 05:49 PM
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Originally Posted by GenuineRisk
Sweeeettttt.... I wondered when you were going to call this crossword-puzzle lover a liberal elitist again. Ooh, say it again, Rev! It's likely the closest I'll ever actually be to being one, seeing as how I ain't exactly making the big bucks! Say it again! "Ellllleeeeeetiiiiiist." Oh, gets me hot when it comes from your fingers.

In the meantime, you crossword puzzle-hater, I was making a funny-- see "tinfoil hat" comment, later. And the Lieberman theory came off of a CONSERVATIVE website, as I said in the post. For the love of God, find your sense of humor. Maybe you left it under a rock? Tossed it in the wash with your undies? Crumpled it up in a beer napkin and left it in a bar? Where'd you put it? Huh? Huh?

But first, say it to me again, soft and breathy, "ellleeeeeeetisssssst." Oh. Oh, yeah.
Ok elitist, you must be crying now that Hillary Clinton has been shut out in 2008. The NY liberal elitists are secretly crying today. America would cease to exist before putting a liberal elitist woman from San Francisco in charge of the house and a liberal elitist woman from NY in the White House. Atleast Nancy Pelosi deserves some respect because she isn't a fake that hides behind her true beliefs like that carpetbagger Hillary Clinton. Go back to Arkansas or Illinois, or wherever she is calling home today. Maybe she can still be a Yankee and Cub fan. LOL. Let me guess she will run for President but not give up her Senate seat, just like the liberal elitist loser Kerry.

Go John Mccain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited by Revolution : 11-08-2006 at 05:52 PM.
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Old 11-09-2006, 11:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Revolution
Ok elitist, you must be crying now that Hillary Clinton has been shut out in 2008. The NY liberal elitists are secretly crying today. America would cease to exist before putting a liberal elitist woman from San Francisco in charge of the house and a liberal elitist woman from NY in the White House. Atleast Nancy Pelosi deserves some respect because she isn't a fake that hides behind her true beliefs like that carpetbagger Hillary Clinton. Go back to Arkansas or Illinois, or wherever she is calling home today. Maybe she can still be a Yankee and Cub fan. LOL. Let me guess she will run for President but not give up her Senate seat, just like the liberal elitist loser Kerry.

Go John Mccain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, oh yeah. Keep it coming. Say it again... elllleeeeeeeetiiiiiist. Oh, oh yeah. Keep talking like that and maybe someday I'll be able to afford a car...

But I find it a wee bit telling that you call Clinton insincere and you're a McCain fan.... pot, this is kettle. Have you met? Here's my favorite quote on McCain from Tuesday (Andrew O'Hehir,

<<Normal TV manners reasserted themselves, and before long Sen. John McCain came on the show, supposedly to talk about how the Republicans would land on their feet. Of course this is the new, improved McCain, a pod person hatched in some Karl Rove greenhouse who at some point in 2005 replaced the old tough-as-nails, indie-Republican model. I have long felt that I'd actually prefer McCain to Hillary Clinton in '08, but, jeez Louise, have you seen this guy lately? He sits there in a chair with all the lifelike vividness of Lenin's corpse, smiling in this ghastly, dead way and reading from a script, with no evident conviction or even awareness. I'm not positive his lips move. Sca-a-ry.>>

Tee hee. Sorry, Rev, I liked him once, too, but he's a tool for the Bush Administration now and nothing more.

Now, say it to me again, "eeeelllllleeeeeeeeetissssst." Mmmmhmmmm.... keep it up and maybe someday I'll be able to buy a home....
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Old 11-09-2006, 11:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Downthestretch55
I love it when you talk that way!
I'll be back after I take a cold shower...
I do what I can.
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Old 11-09-2006, 12:15 PM
Downthestretch55 Downthestretch55 is offline
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Originally Posted by GenuineRisk
I do what I can.
I used that special NY eeeeeeellllllttissssst soap in the shower. Smells great but where did all the bubbles go?
They seemed to go "pop" before they even formed.
pop, pop. POP!
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