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We've Gone Delirious |
![]() I think Obama made a complete ass of himself with the comments he made about the incident. When he doesn't use his teleprompter and just talks off the cuff, that's when he puts his foot in his mouth.
He finally half-heartedly apologized today for his ignorant comments. He said, "Because this has been ratcheting up and I obviously helped to contribute ratcheting it up, I wanted to make clear in my choice of words I think I unfortunately gave an impression that I was maligning the Cambridge Police Department or Sgt. Crowley specifically," Obama said. "And I could have calibrated those words differently." He "thinks he unfortunately gave an impression that he was maligning the Cambridge Police or Sgt. Crowley specifically". If that wasn't the impression he was trying to give then he probably shouldn't have accused them of "acting stupidly". |
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and so he apologized. what am i missing here? is he supposed to use special presidential wizard powers to go back in time to not say the words he's now apologising for. what's your point? he f'd up. no doubt. he admits it and issued an apology. in public and directly to the officer in a phone call. no waiting. would it be clearer if he had a large "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!" banner? |
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Do you have rocks in your head? How did the cop not act stupidly? He arrested a guy for "disorderly conduct" on his own property. Why, because he asked for a badge number, the officers name, and bitched about a racial bias? I think you still have the right to protest in public .. I think you still have the right to demand a cop identify himself in public .. when you can't protest and demand identification on your own private property - something is the matter with that. Whatever happened to free speech? |
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And he's a complete puss for apologizing. Quote:
The cop's job is to enforce the law. He's not a high school principle out to punish rude behavior. |
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![]() He apologized for two reasons.
1.) Because he's a politican 2.) Because people are morons. I wonder why the charges were dropped so fast. |
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This whole incident would have been avoided if this professor would have behaved like a normal person and just showed his identification. |
![]() Some white people close there eyes and believe racial profiling is made up. I happen to think its one of the worst problems with this country, if not the worst. I'm white & have a ton black friends from different area's of the country. Its crazy what they have had to deal with from cops that what I have (which is nothing).
You really can get pulled over for "driving while black". It happens every second in this country and its very embarrassing. You can get harrassed and searched just for walking down the darn street... I've never seen that happen to a white person though! And now apparantly you can get in trouble if you are black and your house proves you make a good living. Its disgusting, and if Obama's comments pissed off some cops.. good. the one's here in Ocala are below human status when it comes to racial profiling.. just horrible. Its 2009 and we are supposed to be a progressive country. Unfortunatly, some people, for reasons I will NEVER understand, think they are better than others.
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Off base for a politican who is strugging in recent opinion polls. So, the cops didn't act stupidly? And what the hell is the difference between saying they overreacted and acted stupidly. He changed his words around now to make it sound nicer. It's like a bettor stating an opinion saying Desormeaux acted stupidly by moving Real Quiet too soon in the Belmont ... than coming back after talking on the phone with Kent .. and saying they were wrong to say Kent acted stupid by moving RQ when he did .. he just overreacted by moving him when he did. The point is that the cop screwed his job up. The guy may have been a huge dick but he has that right to as an American citizen. |
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I'm glad the professor made a big deal of this... because its a huge deal and its not talked about enough in this country. If you put yourself in his shoes.. you would be extremely pissed too. History had proved that the professor is the good guy in this thing.. not the bad guy.
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Cops get people who brown nose them and even give them free stuff just for being cops ... but when they have their feelings hurt the bad ones forget they have a job.. and its to enforce the law and not punish the rude. They act like they're basketball refs giving technical fouls or something. That disorderly conduct charge wouldn't have had a chance in hell standing up in court. |
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The next time I go on someone else's property, and they are dicks to me, should I try and stage a citizens arrest of them? |
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If you dont think its a big deal maybe you just havent taken the time to witness it.. I have many times and i'm sure I will many more times. My friend in college was repeatedly stopped walking down the street and thrown against a car and searched for no reason... heard a million stories like this. My best friend in Ocala was pulled over 6 times in one month.. one time his mom was driving and the cops even said "hey this isnt your car". He doesnt even drive recklessly at all! I had a cop follow me for 5 miles, and was going about 15 over the speed limit (didnt see the cop behind me). I didnt get pulled over.. its a 100% sure thing I would have had I been the "wrong" skin color. The worst was my white friend driving with a black guy in the passenger seat. They were pulled over and a dog was in the car. The black guy had nothing bad on him.. but the cops clapped when the dog was near the black guy so the dog sat down.. and they said they had the right to search him because he obviously was doing something illegal.. of course he had nothing all along, & my white friend actually had some pot in her pocket! But that didnt matter cause she's white! Its not like white people have a very good history when it comes to the treatment of black people. Things are much better than they used to be but racism is still a huge problem. If you choose to not believe that or ignore it that's up to you. I know its true through personal experiences. the election of Barak Obama doesnt change things.. was a great accomplishment (I just wish the first black guy elected wasnt so darn liberal.. wish he was a libertarian or republican.. but thats another subject) but things have a long way to go. Eric Holder was very correct when he said as a country, we are cowards when it comes to this subject. Unfortunatly that hurt white people's feelings! Oh well, the truth hurts!