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Old 11-08-2006, 08:21 AM
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Default Great Day in America

Finally corruption and incompetence have been held accountable. Had Robert Menendez lost I would have been happier, but maybe now our government will actually be accountable to the people.

Bye Bye to some of my favorites, George Allen, Denny Hastert (now a nobody), Mark Foley (more time now for his hobby of chasing boys, just now not on the taxpayers dollar), and my favorite that loudmouth moron JD Hayworth from Arizona.

The greatest thing about it all might be that Hillary Clinton now has zero chance and a centrist that is not a divider like a John McCain or Barack Obama will be the next president.
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Old 11-08-2006, 11:46 AM
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Revolution Revolution is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 524

Originally Posted by Bababooyee
SSDD as far as I'm concerned. Only the names will have changed.

In NY that is definitely the case. The liberal hypocrites in NY voted for a guy who just stole tens of thousands of dollars from them, but he was a Democrat so it was ok. Brilliant, put a guy like Hevesi who admitted stealing thousands in charge of billions in pension dollars.

In NY you are allowed to be corrupt as long as you are a Democrat.

As for DC, any change is good change. You couldn' be any worse than Tom Delay and Denny Hastert, although Bill Frist was pretty close.

John McCain 2008.
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