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Old 04-16-2007, 08:44 PM
mclem10011 mclem10011 is offline
Hippodrome Bluebonnets
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Jacksonville, Florida
Posts: 714
Default Black Day in Blacksburg.....

Since i've gotten home from work, i've been bombarded with coverage of today's massacre at Virginia Tech. First of all, condolences to all the families involved in this tragedy, my prayers go out to you in this awful time .
As much coverage as i've seen, i still don't understand the whole story of what started this insanity! I saw possibly it was a domestic dispute that started this? Whatever the motives of this nutball, this really pisses me off, to say the least! Anyone reading this thread, or anyone else in the world, has the right to put a bullet in their head! If you feel life has got you so depressed, or isn't turning out how you wanted it. Or you feel like you'll never find happiness, love, whatever you feel life hasn't given you, you wanna blow your head off, fine! You wanna be a chicken sh*t coward, and take the wussy way out, go for it! Instead of tryin to improve yourself, and or your situation in life, you wanna throw yourself off a building or bridge, be my guest! However, DON'T take me, or any other innocent people with you! These kids, and or faculty were just going about their days, tryin to learn and or teach, living life for cryin out loud! Nothing, nothing, nothing, in the world gave this SCUMBAG the right to take that away from them, and their poor families!
I'm in no way tryin to promote suicide, i think it's the cowards way out, all i'm sayin is if your gonna do it, please keep it to YOURSELF! This just makes me SICK everyone! I'm from Virginia, and this is truly a black day for my home state.
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