Okay everybody, I know some folks here like the show and even if you have no idea what it is, nor care, I have a way for you to do something fantastic.
We're doing two things, a thank you and a charitable donation to New Orleans musicians (featured in an episode of Studio 60 and whose website is here
http://www.tipitinasfoundation.org/ ). We're placing a full page ad in the very generous (because they gave us a break on the rate) Hollywood Reporter thanking the cast and crew for working so hard for us and doing a great job. Tommy Schlamme himself (works with Aaron Sorkin as his producing partner and often directs) gave the thumbs up to our ad when we ran it by him for approval over content, copyright,etc. We wanted to make sure he and Warner Bros. were okay with it and we're pretty sure WB is going to clear it--they're being very nice.
Second, Tipitina's Foundation which was featured in The Christmas Show is helping us set up a link to donate directly to them, to do a good deed with a connection to the show. Any money past what the ad costs goes directly to Tipitina's and you do it via Paypal. It's a worthy cause and it helps you say thank you at the same time. Here's the site we're coordinating things from and you can see a running total of what we've raising on the left.
http://community.livejournal.com/thanks2studio60/ They're trying to get it so that folks wanting to have a copy of the Hollywood Reporter with the ad can get it. Even if you don't watch the show, please consider donating to Tipitina's Foundation. It's to help rebuild the musical culture in New Orleans and as everyone knows, music and New Orleans are forever linked.