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Old 04-01-2008, 11:51 PM
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Default Perfect Trip Picture Thread

Some pictures of textbook perfect trips from races on the '08 Derby Trail....

Style of Perfect Trip: Uncontested lead through soft pace

Rich Young Ruler - at 112/1 odds - somehow found himself loose on an uncontested lead in one of the absolute slowest pace Derby preps in history. He was still beaten 5 lengths by winner Pyro, and finished 2 lengths behind next out Gotham winner Visionaire.

Next time out, Rich Young Ruler ran in an N1X alw race at OP and was bet to 9/5 favortisim. He was sent, but still not quite fast enough to get the lead in this spot, he finished 7th beaten 40 lengths and earned a 10 Beyer.

War Pass makes an uncontested early lead through very slow fractions in his ALW win. He wins easily. Next time out he has some early trouble and is denied the lead for the first time in the Tampa Derby. He finishes last by many at 1/20 odds.
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Old 04-01-2008, 11:52 PM
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Style of Perfect Trip: Isolated 4th while rating off of a 3-way pace battle

One of the more famous instances of this trip happened in the '96 Pacific Classic. The mighty trio of Siphon, Dramatic Gold, and Cigar (on a 16 race win streak) hooked up in a 3-way pace duel through very fast fractions - while the wildly inferior Dare And Go was placed perfectly by Solis.

Dare And Go never won again - his 116 Beyer that day regressing to 105, and 92 in his next two starts.

As for the three duelers, Cigar (beaten 3.5) won the Woodward easily next out. Siphon (beaten 10.5) was layed off, won an alw in his very next start over that years BC Sprint winner, than won the Santa Anita Handicap with a 120 Beyer off that alw race. Dramatic Gold (beaten 18 lengths) won his next start one month later in a Gr 2 stake holding off that years Breeders Cup Classic winner Alphabet Soup. After that win, he shipped East and outdueled Formal Gold with a 5/1 win in the Grade 1 Meadowlands Cup.

As for the '08 Derby Trail.....

El Gato Malo wins the San Rafeal with a monster synthetic route race Beyer of 99. Besides for the huge synthetic fig, EGM won this race in VERY impressive style visually..drawing off under a hand ride to win by daylight. He lossed the Sham Stakes at 1/2 odds next out..his figure dropping 15 points.

Anak Nakal winning a Grade 2 stake...while Halo Najib, Cool Coal Man, and another horse fight it out for the lead. Anak Nakal returned to run horrific races in the Fountain of Youth and Rebel Stakes.
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Old 04-01-2008, 11:52 PM
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The Big Brown allowance win was knocked in a big way by noted Ragozin Sheet expert John Hardoon - because 'it was taken off the turf, and the 2nd place finisher was 45/1 in five horse field! 45/1 in a five horse field runs 2nd and he's the next Curlin!.. Are you kidding me!?'

Great point Rag guy - but your problem is the 45/1 shot was getting a dream trip - and the horse who obliterated him was taking heat from quick horses through quick fractions.

You have the 8/5 second choice loose and going fast, the 3/5 favorite concerned only about what's in front of him, and the rank outside being hustled to try and keep up with the favorites.

That leaves Majestic Warrior, the only other runner in the race, to mop up the trio of speed sprinters in the stretch and look like the hero.

Style of Perfect Trip: Inside post, ground saving 1st turn, good positon far turn while boxed, gets out smooth. AKA "inside-out trip"

Cool Coal Man's Fountain of Youth win and Autsim Awareness's El Camino win both featured an identical looking trip from start to finish.

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Old 04-02-2008, 01:55 PM
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Exclamation Wow!!!!

Absolutely great stuff................verifies the concept that how the 'figure' was generated is as (or more) important as the 'figure' itself.
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Old 04-02-2008, 04:19 PM
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Thanks guys.

I had a root canal yesterday. My dentist took a bunch of X-ray's and what he was saying made no sense until I saw pics.
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Old 04-01-2008, 11:57 PM
Coach Pants
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I was hoping for a pshop exclusive flying spaghetti monster appearance.
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Old 04-02-2008, 12:09 AM
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He is making up for getting smoked by that dude about his breeding knowledge.

This is some good stuff right here Doug...
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Old 04-02-2008, 12:29 AM
Churchill Downs
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may i say great job, and thank you
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Old 04-02-2008, 12:53 AM
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what's the point?
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Old 04-02-2008, 06:31 AM
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Steve Byk
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Originally Posted by Indian Charlie
what's the point?
For inexperienced fans and fledgling horseplayers, these photo illustrations and accompanying explanations by Doug are outrageously informative. They help someone understand a concept that typically is tough for lightly-experienced fans to grasp. The visual presentation is brilliant.

If you want to understand why the above is a wonderful contribution from D.S., read the Terms of Service. I started this site and manage it with the goal of bringing more fans to the game. The sharing of information and the discussion it generates in a thread like this helps players win and enjoy the game more which is one of the main tenets of DT. (As opposed to threads started with the intent to ridicule specific members.. for example.)
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A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right. ~ Thomas Paine
Don't let anyone tell you that your dreams can't come true. They are only afraid that theirs won't and yours will. ~ Robert Evans

Last edited by Kasept : 04-02-2008 at 08:21 AM.
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