Originally Posted by SniperSB23
At this point I just don't see how anyone who is truly an independent can vote for McCain. His most recent idea of buying out everyone's mortgage, which was too liberal even for me, had to drive away any of his remaining support. The only remaining independent supporters for McCain have to be Republicans that haven't bothered to register with the party.
Shouldn't surprise anyone that he is trying anything n' everything. This(
"my friends" ) is a true Machiavellian Square Dancer. He was against the Bush tax cuts for the rich, and now he is for it. He said the fundamentals of the economy are good, and then a few hours later he said the economy had major problems, (said he was referring to the American workers.... when he was talking about the fundamentals of the economy.) So, most are not dumb enough to buy that, but to lie is better(to a Machiavellian) than to admit your wrong about the economy. This is also why he has someone for V.P. that looks n' talks like a Century 21 real estate agent. He couldn't stand Obama getting so much attention the morning after his Stadium speech in Denver. So, being the little Machiavellian that he is, he selected the most attention-getting person he could find. Anything to get the attention off of Obama. Well, it was interesting, and she's entertaining(for the wrong reasons,) but people don't want someone that knows this little about national and international affairs. To be honest, that's not really her fault. She's the hockey mom Governor of a sparsely populated state in the middle of nowhere. Unlike some Governors, she has never shown an interest in national or international politics, and didn't even know what a Vice President is supposed to do. He made this mess because he wanted a quick solution to a problem at the time the selection was made. Like a spoiled child, he ignored the future consequences of a decision. He just wanted his way at the time. He reacted (without thinking about the future consequences.) He doesn't really think. He reacts.