Originally Posted by joeydb
Hi guys...
Don't know if this is the right place to post, but I attended the Delaware Park handicapping tournament this past weekend, and have to highly recommend it.
Awesome place. Clean, comfortable. Some great players showed up and it just made for a very pleasant experience.
There was even a buffet. I will absolutely be doing that again. I understand they have monthly contests in addition to the bigger one this past weekend.
By the way, the "Contest" section of this forum looked like only online contests. Is that right or is it for "in person" constests too?
P.S. Go Phillies!!!!!!!
I've heard a lot of people say DelPark has the best run contests out there. I didn't care for the format (no max bet means a lot of late crazy bets) or else I would have made the trip Saturday.
Keeneland also has excellent contests, even if their buffet is terrible.