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Old 08-10-2009, 08:47 PM
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The Curragh
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Default Off Duty Cop Clocked At 147mph

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Old 08-10-2009, 09:00 PM
Coach Pants
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So is Kroger starting a newspaper or are you being a f.uckhead for the hell of it?
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Old 08-10-2009, 10:12 PM
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The Curragh
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 2,760

Originally Posted by Coach Pants
So is Kroger starting a newspaper or are you being a f.uckhead for the hell of it?
help me help you
the link worked fine for me
again, help me help you
what part are you strugling with?
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Old 08-10-2009, 11:59 PM
chucklestheclown chucklestheclown is offline
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I hate when cops get special treatment, what's the usual punishment there?
Would be AT LEAST a thousand dollar fine in Illinois, but we need the money.
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Old 08-11-2009, 12:20 AM
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hi_im_god hi_im_god is offline
Arlington Park
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i just paid $322 for going 84 in a 65 zone.

$150 is a bargain.
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Old 08-11-2009, 12:21 AM
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Churchill Downs
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One time when I was on patrol I was cruising along in the slow lane when this black car FLEW by me in the fast lane late one morning. Of course I accelerated and attempted to catch up with the vehicle... five miles later I got a visual on it and did the required 1/4 mile pace... clocked it going just over 100 on the Glendale in LA. Pulled it over and walked up only to find a guy pulling his flat badge out of his back pocket... "sorry, just got off graves, lousy night and I just want to get home, I totally understand if you cite me, I was going pretty fast". He's LAPD and I say to him, "Not a problem, I understand, slow it down and don't fly by us Chippies in the future, it makes us look bad when the old Diplomat takes forever to catch up with you". He laughed and I let him go.

Why, you ask?

LAPD and the CHP had a somewhat tentative "truce" going on and we weren't citing each other ("Professional Courtesy"), I didn't want to be the young rookie that damaged that... of course later on, when the truce was damaged, I stopped a guy who handed me his drivers license and it had a LAPD captains business card stapled to it. " Captain *So-and-So* is a good friend of mine" the driver told me. As I tore the card off his DL I told him, "I don't care, I don't work with him... press hard when you sign the ticket, there are four copies".

Professional Courtesy only goes so far...
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- Friedrich Nietzsche on Handicapping
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