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Old 08-18-2010, 08:50 AM
NTamm1215 NTamm1215 is offline
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Default The Death Penalty

I was just wondering what the majority of the board thinks of the death penalty. Yesterday in Texas the ring leader of a gang that brutally murdered two girls in 1993 was executed. Two members of the gang had already been executed yet what was the biggest element highlighted on the news was that Cantu, the man executed yesterday simply replied, "No" when asked if he wanted to make a statement prior to being given the lethal dose.

In Cantu's trial something was allowed by the judge that is now commonplace in punishment phases of Capital Murder trials in Texas. One of the victim's fathers asked the judge if he could make a statement and he was allowed to do so, the first "Victim Impact Statement" allowed in a Capital Murder trial in TX.

So, what are everyone's thoughts?


Last edited by NTamm1215 : 08-18-2010 at 09:03 AM.
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Old 08-18-2010, 09:04 AM
RockHardTen1985 RockHardTen1985 is offline
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Originally Posted by NTamm1215 View Post
I was just wondering what the majority of the board thinks of the death penalty. Yesterday in Texas the ring leader of a gang that brutally murdered two girls in 1993 was executed. Two members of the gang had already been executed yet what was the biggest element highlighted on the news was that Cantu, the man executed yesterday simply replied, "No" when asked if he wanted to make a statement prior to being given the lethal dose.

In Cantu's trial something was allowed by the judge that is now commonplace in punishment phases of Capital Murder trials in Texas. One of the victim's fathers asked the judge if he could make a statement and he was allowed to do so, the first "Victim Impact Statement" allowed in a Capital Murder trial in TX.

So, what are everyone's thoughts?


I would like to say people who murder deserve this, but is life in prison for these POS not worse? I really dont know....
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Old 08-18-2010, 10:11 AM
SniperSB23 SniperSB23 is offline
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I'm against the idea of killing another human in general but in extreme cases where there is absolutely no doubt about someone's guilt then I am ok with it. I hate the possibility of an innocent person being put to death though. For someone like Osama bin Laden who is not only beyond a shadow of a doubt guilty but also proud of what he has done I am ok with it. In other circumstances where there is enough evidence to convict but the person maintains their innocence to the end and there is any slight bit of possibility that they could be innocent I have a big problem with it. I guess the way I see it is that it should be reserved for terrorists or serial killers that have taken pride in what they have done. Life in prison is always reversible if new evidence comes to light, death isn't.

Also, I should add that in no way do I think it is anymore a deterrent to committing crime than life in prison is.
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Old 08-18-2010, 10:18 AM
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For me it's a couple parts.

I'm against it 100%, in any case.

The flip side of that is that I understand that some people think that even though they're very much against the idea of just willy nilly applying the death penalty because there's too much chance of an innocent person being put to death, that they have certain exceptions like raping and murdering a child.

I understand the emotion behind that and very much sympathize with it and don't find that to be an inherently barbaric position.

But I still don't agree with it. It's a never situation for me.
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Old 08-18-2010, 10:35 AM
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I'm for it for the crimes of pre-meditated murder, and treason, as is currently on the books.

I do think that now with genetic evidence recovered from crime scenes and crime instruments that it should be mandatory to test the suspect (for exculpatory purposes) so that mistaken indentity will be driven almost to zero cases. I think most states have adopted that rationale by now.

I would also be for the death penalty for heinous crimes like rape, except that, when viewed dynamically, you don't want to have the potential sentence actually negatively affect the victim. For instance, if you make the death penalty for rape, than many rapists might kill their victims since the sentence is the same as murder, and, without a living witness, their chances of being convicted of the crime is substantially reduced.
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Old 08-18-2010, 10:56 AM
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I'd say, given the new technology, that if they're guilty beyond a doubt, the kill them. But it's not that easy, really. Think of all the women out there that are corresponding with (and visiting) these brutes. What are they supposed to do, find terrorist penpals?
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Old 08-18-2010, 10:57 AM
Antitrust32 Antitrust32 is offline
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I'd be more for it if it was quicker and cheaper. Its way too expensive.

I'm fine with anyone being put to death who committed pre meditated 1st degree murder. They are just a waste of life and dont deserve to share the same air as good people. (I guess I'm barbaric)

I would be for the death penalty for 1st degree rapists and child molesters too. You dont rape a child by accident, and you dont recover from your mental sickness that makes you rape a child in the first place.

I think it should be simple and cost effective.

If DNA evidence or full confession proves beyond any kind of doubt the murderer or rapist was guilty, take them out back and use a 30 cent bullet and get the job done. Stop wasting 1 million dollars of tax payers money on these filthy pigs.

If there is no DNA evidence, then the death penalty should be off the table (unless there is a confession).

If there is no doubt someone did it, I'm all for them being put down like the animal they are. They deserve it.

I think having the DNA or confession is really important so terrible mistakes are avoided. There was a man in texas executed for committing arson that killed his two daughters. The "arson science" used was suspect, and a lot of independent investigors have been on record saying it most likely was not arson, yet the judice department would not take those views into consideration. They man denied it until the day he was killed. Very sad situation for a man that probably wasnt even guilty. In cases like this, if a prosecuter did not do due diligence and an innocent man was executed, the prosecuter should have to face charges and jail time.

But yeah, the scumbags that deserve it have no value to this world and should just be eliminated in a cost effective manner.
Originally Posted by Riot View Post
Can I start just making stuff up out of thin air, too?
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