Courtesy of the majority Shiites in Iraq. I may be alone but I think this is far more serious than Putin invading an Autonomous Republic whose majority was calling for an invasion.
Is the world hesitant to admonish this law because doing so would admonish the religion? If so is the lost lives of these innocent girls worth it?
Shame on the world and the U.S. Especially those who fight for women's rights including Sandra Fluke and her birth control pills.
A contentious draft law being considered in Iraq could open the door to girls as young as nine getting married and would require wives to submit to sex on their husband's whim, provoking outrage from rights activists and many Iraqis who see it as a step backward for women's rights.
Also under the proposed measure, a husband can have sex with his wife regardless of her consent. The bill also prevents women from leaving the house without their husband's permission, would restrict women's rights in matters of parental custody after divorce and make it easier for men to take multiple wives.