Originally Posted by NTamm1215
This is a little silly. There's no way Hobby Lobby is going to go the lengths of demanding that women use only certain doctors that itemize their billing statements to include discussions about contraception. The article says quite plainly that discussions of that sort ALWAYS take place in the context of a general exam. This would require quite the shift in billing on the part of every OB/GYN visited by a Hobby Lobby employee.
As for your last statement, even if you're contributing, your employer is paying the VAST majority of the cost of your insurance. That's why it is (accurately) referred to as a benefit.
yes, you can call it a benefit...but it is also part of your compensation as an employee. its not a gift out of the goodness of an employers heart.
at any rate, i saw the story last week. it's stunning that they are trying to take this approach, which just shows how truly irrational hobby lobby is about the whole subject.