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Old 11-08-2006, 11:14 PM
Rupert Pupkin Rupert Pupkin is offline
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Default The Endless Cycle Continues

The same cycle just continues to repeat itself in American politics. Right now we pretty much have a two-party system. Both parties are pretty bad. For the most part, they both represent special interest groups. They don't represent the general population.

Anyway, the same cycle just conitues to repeat itself. The republicans get in power and don't do a very good job. The people finally get fed up and put the democrats in power. The democrats don't do a very good job and eventually the people get fed up and put the republicans back in. This cycle just continues over and over and over again, but nothing really changes.
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Old 11-08-2006, 11:50 PM
ArlJim78 ArlJim78 is offline
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That's why I contend that the best thing someone can do with their vote is to vote for other parties, don't vote republican or democrat. The experts will tell you that you're throwing away your vote because they cannot win. I say your throwing away your vote when you vote for one of the two major parties.

If enough people would do this it would force some change.
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Old 11-09-2006, 01:57 AM
repent repent is offline
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straight Republican here.

I have no use for these "conservative" democrats that try to appeal to a broad range of ppl.

if you are really consverative, than get with the right party.

Im tired of democrats f*cking things up in this country.
they are just enablers.

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Old 11-09-2006, 03:13 AM
ArlJim78 ArlJim78 is offline
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Originally Posted by repent
straight Republican here.

I have no use for these "conservative" democrats that try to appeal to a broad range of ppl.

if you are really consverative, than get with the right party.

And that party would be?
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Old 11-09-2006, 09:40 AM
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Originally Posted by ArlJim78
And that party would be?

I admire Repent's vehement opinion. Unfortunately, most people don't have the nuts to actually SAY what many Americans are thinking.
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Old 11-09-2006, 01:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Cajungator26

I admire Repent's vehement opinion. Unfortunately, most people don't have the nuts to actually SAY what many Americans are thinking.
I'm assuming those "many Americans" didn't vote yesterday?

Cajun, "conservative" and "Republican" are now not synonymous. If you want to indicate to me how the Republicans exhibited fiscal discipline, effective defense stragtegies and aversion to nation-building, a commitment to small government, and a respect for privacy over the past six years, please do so. I think, if you do the research, you'll find an vastly increased debt, a mess in Iraq, a bloated Federal government and an attempt to legislate family decisions. Since most of your political opinions seem to come from your dad, believe me when I tell you these are not your father's Republicans. They might call themselves elephants, but they voted like pigs at the trough.

I'm not criticizing conservativism as a platform, and certainly not your political views if you are, indeed, a conservative; I'm just saying the Republican party that was, until yesterday, in power, is not the party of Goldwater. Don't get fooled by team colors and cheering-- look at what the party is voting for and decide if it is what you believe. In other words, keep an eye on 'em!

Honestly, this'll be good for the Republicans-- they'll have to regroup and maybe actually get back to conservatism. Unless they are planning to become the party of the Christian Fundamentalists. In which case, my dear elephants, I'll hope a conservative party springs up for you all.

Cajun, if big government, borrow and spend, nation building and government regulation of morality is what you want, that's fine; it's what you want. I'm just saying don't tell yourself that's what conservatism is, because it isn't.

Though, if that is what you want, then you are most definitely a Republican, as the party stands today.

Not meaning to attack; just trying to clarify.

For that matter, there are oodles of Democrats who aren't "liberal." Party names and political theories are not always hand-in-hand.
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Old 11-09-2006, 09:15 PM
ArlJim78 ArlJim78 is offline
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Originally Posted by Cajungator26

I admire Repent's vehement opinion. Unfortunately, most people don't have the nuts to actually SAY what many Americans are thinking.
I knew which party he was implying was the conservative party. I posed the question simply because Republicans don't much act like conservatives anymore in my opinion. They turned into the party of fiscal non-restraint with some social conservativism thrown in. They lost their way and will need to re-group under new management.
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Old 11-09-2006, 12:34 PM
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Originally Posted by repent
straight Republican here.

I have no use for these "conservative" democrats that try to appeal to a broad range of ppl.

if you are really consverative, than get with the right party.

Im tired of democrats f*cking things up in this country.
they are just enablers.

Let me guess, with your postings and your language, you are a family values Republican.
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Old 11-10-2006, 02:07 AM
repent repent is offline
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Originally Posted by Revolution
Let me guess, with your postings and your language, you are a family values Republican.

family values?
whatever...............I dont have a family and I hope I never do.
I hate kids. they are dirty and take up money.
ask the parents on this forum how much deeper they could afford to go in their pick 4 and 6 tickets if they did not have children.
I dont have that problem.

my language is just and expressional tool to portray emotion.
i dont use those gay faces that a lot of you do(no offense to anyone that does, its just not me).
i dont use curse words in everyday life.

the last time I remember cursing out loud is when the Giants lost to Indy in week 1.

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Old 11-10-2006, 09:40 AM
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Originally Posted by repent
family values?
whatever...............I dont have a family and I hope I never do.
I hate kids. they are dirty and take up money.
ask the parents on this forum how much deeper they could afford to go in their pick 4 and 6 tickets if they did not have children.
I dont have that problem.

my language is just and expressional tool to portray emotion.
i dont use those gay faces that a lot of you do(no offense to anyone that does, its just not me).
i dont use curse words in everyday life.

the last time I remember cursing out loud is when the Giants lost to Indy in week 1.

That is a classic.Atleast we know you aren't a pedophile.You would think the fat and/or ugly would resist the urge make more fat 'n ugly ones,but they don't.A little editting is necessary in most fields of design.
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Old 11-10-2006, 09:55 AM
Downthestretch55 Downthestretch55 is offline
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Originally Posted by repent
family values?
whatever...............I dont have a family and I hope I never do.
I hate kids. they are dirty and take up money.
ask the parents on this forum how much deeper they could afford to go in their pick 4 and 6 tickets if they did not have children.
I dont have that problem.

my language is just and expressional tool to portray emotion.
i dont use those gay faces that a lot of you do(no offense to anyone that does, its just not me).
i dont use curse words in everyday life.

the last time I remember cursing out loud is when the Giants lost to Indy in week 1.

What is the 6th word in your quote supposed to be,for a guy that doesn't use curse words?
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Old 11-09-2006, 12:39 PM
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Originally Posted by repent
Im tired of democrats f*cking things up in this country.
they are just enablers

how on earth can democrats be to blame for anything that has happened in the last five years?

the five years, may i add, in which America has lost its standing in the world?

in addition -- the "conservative democrats" you speak of are centrists. they exist. people who believe in being fiscally conservative (which Republicans know nothing about anymore....), but believe in being Pro-Choice as one example.

Believe it or not, those sorts of Americans do's not just a show.
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Old 11-09-2006, 06:58 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by brianwspencer

in addition -- the "conservative democrats" you speak of are centrists. they exist. people who believe in being fiscally conservative (which Republicans know nothing about anymore....), but believe in being Pro-Choice as one example.

Believe it or not, those sorts of Americans do's not just a show.
now someone is speaking my language.

republicans allowed their party to be hijacked by neocons for one, as well as the ultra-religious...they've tilted more towards big govt which is something i will never agree with. of course you do have a significant portion of the population who feels ALL their woes should be solved by a govt program. enough of them vote and you get larger govt. it's ridiculous. the govt here in ark actually passed laws on having vending machines in schools, and what times of day that kids could buy out of them. not little kids, but high schoolers--the ones who are old enough to be tried as an adult for crimes, old enough to make reproductive decisions, yet not mature enough to decide if they want a snicker bar or not. to me that is a perfect example of the govt butting in where it doesn't belong.
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