DRF is Geographically Biased
Every Friday I pick up the DRF Newspaper to cap for Saturday’s races, and each week I hope and pray that Philadelphia Park doesn’t make it in this week’s edition, and it does. Personally, I don’t and wont wager on that track, and I can’t say that I know to many others that do (and those who do, I usually don’t catch them using a form to cap it). I wish there was some way we could get a track like Lone Star, Hawthorne, Bay Meadows, Tampa Bay, Turf Paradise, Woodbine, etc. instead of Philly Park every week.
This week the guys and gals went above and beyond, including 8 tracks (no wonder why we’re paying for the extra ink): (tell me which tracks seem out of place in this line-up) Aqueduct, Keeneland, Philly Park, Laurel, Finger Lakes, Gulfstream, Oaklawn, and Santa Anita. And another thing, why can we (east coasters) get Gulfstream on a consistent basis but only get Tampa Bay on select few days… Sorry, this has just been building up for some time now GL to all this weekend -bt- |
Very legit beef if you ask me. I sort of agree with you.
I noticed Philly has been added to the DRF's weekly charts. I'm not exactly sure why; I guess they assume the slot fueled purses are going to automatically turn it into a big league track. Still waiting for that to happen at PrM and Mnr.
The DRF prints regionally I do believe. My AM Simulcast edition does not have Philly but it does have Lone Star... I'm in Louisiana.
"A person who saw no important difference between the fire outside a Neandrathal's cave and a working thermo-nuclear reactor might tell you that junk bonds and derivatives BOTH serve to energize capital" - Nathan Israel |
Personally, I don't like or play Philly Park. The only reason I can think of why it always makes the form is that it is the first track to start. It seems that it always has the earliest post time and there is absolutely nothing else running at the time. So people play the first two or three from Philly and then play there usual tracks as they start.
Just use Drf.com and get any tracks you want
When I lived in California I would buy the DRF from a neighborhood store and it had the California tracks and whichever of the BIG east coast tracks were running. 90% of the time, this was the only Form I needed, it had all the tracks I wanted to bet on. I could pick up a free suppliment DRF when I went to the track for all of the other tracks if I needed them... here in the state of Washington, I have to buy West Coast AND East Coast DRF's at the OTB or liquor store to get the four tracks I want to play - it's absurd This is why I use Brisbet, so I can get their PP's for free... But I still love getting the Form at the track, it's not racing without it
You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist. - Friedrich Nietzsche on Handicapping |
Here in Dallas the PM edition dosent include SA... You have to purchase another drf that I think is called the simocast edition. Maybe this week with LS opening we will be able to get LS and SA in the same edition. Maybe the drf is learning from the various tracks to split the forms up in the best way to stimulate more sales.