Handicapping Wind
I need some help here. My worse days often come when the wind is blowing rather hard. I just cant seem to get a grasp on a good handicapping strategy when wind is involved. Maybe the wind has psyched me out or I am missing something. Can someone(s) please help me and share their handicapping angles with me when wind is a factor.
Capping the wind
I Tend To Try And Find Horses That Are Going To Be Covered Up While Running Into The Wind,for Example Down Backstreatch Sort Of Draftso Not To Be The One Cuttingthrough The Wind ,then Home Streatch With The Wind At Your Back Shake Loose And Use The Wind To Run Down Those Tired From Running Into The Wind,on The Backside .
It's gotta be rough on a horse to go into one of those headwinds with a jock on their back going 35 MPH. I think the idea that there may be somewhat of a draft is true, but still, I think the best horse will win under these kinds of conditions. It's not like a change in surface where one horse would adapt differently than another. Does that make any sense?
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I think its a bigger factor in elongated sprints; for instance at Arlington, a 1 mile race is around one turn. If the wind is from the east, the horses up front will have a long run to the turn right into the teeth of the wind. Other tracks w/elongated sprints are Bel, Aqu (main not inner), Hol and CD to name a few.
I have the same problem with the sun.
Some horses it seems run better going towards the sun ... while others do better going away from it. I often wonder if blinkers and shadow rolls have an effect on that. For instance ... if a horse has a single cup partially covering his right eye ... and his eye is in the sun on the backstretch ... but shaded from the sun down the stretch ... how does this affect the horse's acceleration? Also ... if a horse is equipped with a shadow roll ... and the sun goes behind a cloud so that there are no shadows ... how does this affect his performance? Any "sun" handicappers out there? |