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Old 09-18-2008, 09:25 AM
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Default "The fundamentals of our economy are strong"

Yes, as Wall St. was losing 504 points McCain uttered these words. While our entire banking system is imploding, McCain uttered these words. Should we start calling him "nero"? And then his idiot running mate has the nerve to call out the opposition for unfairly attacking his "verbiage". yes, she said that.

Check out his economic team. It is a who's who in why we are in the mess we are in today. One guy was on AIG's board. The other is Thain of Merrill Lynch fame.

The funniest is Phil Gramm who said the nation is in a "mental recession" and called us a "nation of whiners". This is the same Phil Gramm that fought tooth and nail against the SEC in the 90's-against regulation.

And the crown jewel is Carly Fiorina. Fiorina, when asked, said that neither McCain nor Palin could run a US corporation.

Hmmmmm. When your chief economic advisor doesnt see you as being fit to run a company, how can you run the biggest company in the world?
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Old 09-18-2008, 12:31 PM
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Old 09-18-2008, 01:14 PM
Antitrust32 Antitrust32 is offline
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How about Mr. Bidens dumbass comment today.

"Wealthy Americans MUST pay more taxes to show patriotism"

That is the most rediculous thing I've ever heard!

"YOu have worked SO hard, had a great education, made yourself successful, so I'm (dem) going to steal more money from you and tell you that you are unpatriotic to want to not pay more taxes"

Fin idiot.
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Old 09-18-2008, 01:32 PM
SniperSB23 SniperSB23 is offline
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Originally Posted by Antitrust32
How about Mr. Bidens dumbass comment today.

"Wealthy Americans MUST pay more taxes to show patriotism"

That is the most rediculous thing I've ever heard!

"YOu have worked SO hard, had a great education, made yourself successful, so I'm (dem) going to steal more money from you and tell you that you are unpatriotic to want to not pay more taxes"

Fin idiot.
I like how you put in all caps the one word that he never said. Come on Lori, that isn't what he said, and considering he'll be one of those people paying more taxes he's hardly being hypocritical.
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Old 09-18-2008, 11:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Antitrust32
How about Mr. Bidens dumbass comment today.

"Wealthy Americans MUST pay more taxes to show patriotism"

That is the most rediculous thing I've ever heard!

"YOu have worked SO hard, had a great education, made yourself successful, so I'm (dem) going to steal more money from you and tell you that you are unpatriotic to want to not pay more taxes"

Fin idiot.
It makes can afford the taxes so why not pay more? You'll still be ahead of everyone else...but you should help out those that aren't successful too.
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Old 09-19-2008, 02:09 AM
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Ok, I will bite.

Originally Posted by Antitrust32
How about Mr. Bidens dumbass comment today.

"Wealthy Americans MUST pay more taxes to show patriotism"

That is the most rediculous thing I've ever heard!
I think Biden would have been better off to word it by saying 'Wealthy Americans who really want to put their country first will understand and welcome a tax increase.'

McCain's message is that he wants to reform government by putting an end to the "me first, country second" culture in Washington.

The Republican party has transformed into big government borrow and spend - The Democratic party once might have been big government tax and spend - now they are just big government spend.... and are more worried about getting elected than fighting for tax increases to the people and corporations who can most easily afford it.

Any person who seriously puts "country first" and themselves second would demand that spending be cut in a big way and tax rev increased.

Originally Posted by Antitrust32
"YOu have worked SO hard, had a great education, made yourself successful, so I'm (dem) going to steal more money from you and tell you that you are unpatriotic to want to not pay more taxes"
Me first, Country second says what?
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Old 09-19-2008, 02:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Antitrust32
How about Mr. Bidens dumbass comment today.

"Wealthy Americans MUST pay more taxes to show patriotism"

That is the most rediculous thing I've ever heard!

"YOu have worked SO hard, had a great education, made yourself successful, so I'm (dem) going to steal more money from you and tell you that you are unpatriotic to want to not pay more taxes"

Fin idiot.
Under OBAMA'S PLAN, people earning more than $250,000 a year would pay more in taxes while those earning less — the vast majority of American taxpayers — would receive a tax cut. When the Middle Class gets their fair share, I will start worrying about the wealthy. They usually just pay the average guy less(to make up for this tax increase you worry so much about.) Please note the divide between the rich and the other classes is increasing(not decreasing.) They find a way to keep making more, and it's usually by shorting other people. Look at pro sports. They charge the average person more n' more to pay these wealthy people. Tax them more, and they will just keep making the average person pay more. This country is set up for the wealthy, and always will be. I wouldn't worry your pretty lil head so much about them. They still seem to find their way to the horse auctions to spend money. As far as Patriotic goes, they wanted Geedubbya. Let them pay more to support his fiasco in IRAQ. They wanted him in. He spent a bunch of money on Iraq, and bailing out the rich on wallstreet etc. That's their guy spending dat dough. They can pay more to pay for his s-h-i-t. They wanted de-regulation. Hands off big business. Now they bailing out big business. Wealthy people paying taxes that are going for war and to bail out other wealthy people. If you're worried about tax money going to people who need it most, don't worry so much. Republicans in congress will fight him all the way on anything having to do with helping the poor or middle class. Do you consider this bail out s-h-i-t to be patriotic? Geedubbya seems to. Where do you think that money comes from? It's either coming from the wealthy or they just print new money. Nobody else has it to give.
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Old 09-19-2008, 02:20 AM
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER
Under OBAMA'S PLAN, people earning more than $250,000 a year would pay more in taxes while those earning less — the vast majority of American taxpayers — would receive a tax cut.
His plan sucks.

The vast majority of Americans don't need a tax cut.... and those making over 50K a year need an increase if anything.
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Old 09-19-2008, 03:01 AM
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Originally Posted by The Indomitable DrugS
His plan sucks.

The vast majority of Americans don't need a tax cut.... and those making over 50K a year need an increase if anything.
Won't be able to do s-h-i-t anyways. He would be blocked all the way by Congress. Don't know why people care about this. Ain't like they do it. "PLANs" are usually fkn fairy tales. What he could do is not reduce taxes for the wealthy. That's about as far as he would get.
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Old 09-18-2008, 01:34 PM
SniperSB23 SniperSB23 is offline
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Originally Posted by DaHoss9698
But what did you think about the comments made by McCain?
Who's that? Did Pallin pick a running mate?
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Old 09-18-2008, 01:45 PM
Antitrust32 Antitrust32 is offline
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Originally Posted by DaHoss9698
But what did you think about the comments made by McCain?
McCains comments were directed at the American workers, whom McCain says are the backbone of the economy, and that the American workers are productive and resilient. McCain knows there are huge problems on Wall Street (which if anyone says is GW's fault I think I'd have to put you on Permanent IGGY cause cant let you people dumb me down).

Dala is twisting his words just as ArlJim twisted Obama's "my Muslim faith" words. and how people twisted Obama's Lipstick on Pig reference.

Now what Biden says.. comparing paying more taxes to being patriotic. I cant give an excuse on that its just plain dumb.
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Old 09-18-2008, 01:48 PM
GBBob GBBob is offline
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Originally Posted by Antitrust32
McCains comments were directed at the American workers, whom McCain says are the backbone of the economy, and that the American workers are productive and resilient. McCain knows there are huge problems on Wall Street (which if anyone says is GW's fault I think I'd have to put you on Permanent IGGY cause cant let you people dumb me down).

Dala is twisting his words just as ArlJim twisted Obama's "my Muslim faith" words. and how people twisted Obama's Lipstick on Pig reference.

Now what Biden says.. comparing paying more taxes to being patriotic. I cant give an excuse on that its just plain dumb.
then I must be George f*kin Washington
"but there's just no point in trying to predict when the narcissits finally figure out they aren't living in the most important time ever."
hi im god quote
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Old 09-18-2008, 01:51 PM
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Originally Posted by GBBob
then I must be George f*kin Washington
Or a signer to the DOI!
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Old 09-18-2008, 01:51 PM
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McCain and Biden's comments were both foolish. I just find Biden's comments the funniest of the two. I'm imagining Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Hulk Hogan on the campaign trail getting the crowd fired up for higher taxes for the rich. Now that is funny and believable.
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Old 09-18-2008, 01:52 PM
Antitrust32 Antitrust32 is offline
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"There's tremendous turmoil in our financial markets and on Wall Street," McCain said. "People are frightened by these events. Our economy, I think still, the fundamentals of our economy are strong. But these are very, very difficult times."

That is what John McCain said... if you go back to my previous post about what he meant by "fundamentals of our economy", how is he wrong?
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Old 09-18-2008, 03:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Antitrust32
McCains comments were directed at the American workers, whom McCain says are the backbone of the economy, and that the American workers are productive and resilient. McCain knows there are huge problems on Wall Street (which if anyone says is GW's fault I think I'd have to put you on Permanent IGGY cause cant let you people dumb me down).

Dala is twisting his words just as ArlJim twisted Obama's "my Muslim faith" words. and how people twisted Obama's Lipstick on Pig reference.

Now what Biden says.. comparing paying more taxes to being patriotic. I cant give an excuse on that its just plain dumb.
Antitrust, McCain sure as hell was not referring to the American workers when he asserted that the fundamentals of the U.S. economy were strong. That was his so-so attempt to explain away his gaffe. Don't you hate it when pols fall back on the ole' "U.S. workers are the hardest working and most ingenius" crap when they're scrambling for cover
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Old 09-18-2008, 08:39 PM
ArlJim78 ArlJim78 is offline
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Originally Posted by Antitrust32
Dala is twisting his words just as ArlJim twisted Obama's "my Muslim faith" words. and how people twisted Obama's Lipstick on Pig reference.
how did i twist his words? i quoted what he said and asked why is this guy considered to be so bright if he gets his religion wrong.
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Old 09-18-2008, 09:26 PM
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Originally Posted by ArlJim78
how did i twist his words? i quoted what he said and asked why is this guy considered to be so bright if he gets his religion wrong.
He was TIRED,dammit!
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Old 09-18-2008, 09:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Antitrust32
McCains comments were directed at the American workers, whom McCain says are the backbone of the economy, and that the American workers are productive and resilient. McCain knows there are huge problems on Wall Street (which if anyone says is GW's fault I think I'd have to put you on Permanent IGGY cause cant let you people dumb me down).

Dala is twisting his words just as ArlJim twisted Obama's "my Muslim faith" words. and how people twisted Obama's Lipstick on Pig reference.

Now what Biden says.. comparing paying more taxes to being patriotic. I cant give an excuse on that its just plain dumb.
No one is twisting anything. You are just falling for spin. Here is another speech about "fundamentals" and you tell me if that is what he meant. And if he did indeed mean the "working people" then it would be the first usage of that phrase in that context EVER:

Stop walking the party line. Whether he meant it or not, it was a dumb thing to say.
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Old 09-18-2008, 01:24 PM
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Originally Posted by DaHoss9698
I expect more out of you. And I need a new signature, so couldn't you say something about this? Come on. You must have some sort of rebuttal.

How 'bout "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink"
That should suffice.
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