Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER
Steve Pate still playing? Guess he can always play with "past champion" status.
Corey must have gotten divorced.That Asian Girl isn't the one he kissed when he won his Major.This one was in Jr. High back then.
Pate is still playing but he's really struggling. I think he's pretty much run out of exemptions too. He lost his player's card so he doesn't get into too many tournaments any more. He's forced to play in Nationwide Tour tournaments sometimes.
You are correct about Pavin. He got divorced from his first wife and is re-married. I think he made a good decision getting divorced from that first wife. She was a real control freak. She wouldn't let Corey take lessons from his lifelong teacher Bruce Hamilton because she was mad at Bruce for leaving his wife. I couldn't believe that Corey was such a wimp that he would let his wife tell him who he could take golf lessons from. It's his career, not hers. He needs to take lessons from whoever he thinks the best teacher is, regardless whether his wife likes the teacher or not.