question and reply
Originally Posted by jwkniska Quote: Originally Posted by Antitrust32 I dont want to start anything, but I was wondering why you dont like gays? I'd prefer not to get a nasty response, but that is up to you . I'm just wondering because its hard for me to understand why people want to put a bullet in my head because of who I am. Kind Regards, antitrust -------------------------------------------- I wouldn't give a nasty response. You wouldn't deserve it and I wouldn't do it. shouldn't have typed what I did. was set off by something (that happens to me about once/year) and unfortunately took it out on here, as that subject is something I totally disagree with. I do think that changing marriage is morally wrong, but everyone has their own choices and decisions. Marriage was set up over a couple of thousands of years ago and per my opinion should stay that way. Civil unions.... totally different story. I will say this, I'm not one for violence (would be one of the first to speak out against it, as there are better and correct ways to do things) and that would be verified by anyone that knows me, I'm one of the most easy-going people that can get along with anyone.... always have been, always will be... or at least I'm always going to try to. I sent this to you, as you deserve a reply to your message to me, instead of posting on the forum. If you want to copy it and put it there, go right ahead, or if you'd like me to, I'll be happy to. ----------------------------------------- thank you for your reply, I respect your opinion. I dont really care about the word marriage, civil unions are fine. as long as I'm offered the same liberties as all of my fellow Americans. This country needs complete equality, no more seperate but equal. Also, people are so concerned with keeping the word "marriage" morally safe.... yet atheists get married all the time, marriages are more likely to end up in divorce than stay together, and married individuals cheat on their other half left and right! looks like the word marriage has lost its meaning a long time ago. But I respect people who feel otherwise. Its your call if you want to post your PM... Though it may be a good idea because it I think there were a few people who were really offended by your posts yesterday. Take care! --------------- As I respect your opinion, as always. |
What most people don't disagree with though, is that being anti-gay marriage is possible without wanting to see gay people get killed. One, I vehemently disagree with. The other, I'm disgusted by, and I can explain further if need be, but this $hit doesn't happen in a vacuum. Talk about killing gay folks makes climates possible in which people can actually kill gay folks and not feel alone, much in the same way that rape jokes do nothing but enable rapists to feel like they're not alone. And anyone who wants to can call me a femmy oversensitive queen all they want to for this. But at least I'm not a hateful, bigoted as$hole, and I'll take that any day. Some things you just don't get to take back. Epic fail. |
In other words, Antitrust, you're the only one they can still feel superior to. They aren't gunna give that up easily. They have religion to back them up. Their religion (used to decide your rights.) See how that works? Evidently, you're morally wrong for wanting to get married(something other citizens get to do, but you're not their equal.) You're lesser, and they want that difference well known(and legally clear.) Did you hear that Lowery guy say anything about the gay? He mentioned every other type of person. He seemed to leave you out of that. That's because it's still cool to mess with your rights. He wasn't about to include you. You're obviously lower. The only way they can keep you from marrying someone you want to marry is to discriminate based on your sex, or your sexual preference. So, when Obama says he is for equal rights for gays, Lesbians etc. That's bullshit. He's for discriminating against you based on your sex, or your sexual preference. Civil Unions are like separate drinking fountains(separate but equal.) You're their last N-WORD.
Last edited by SCUDSBROTHER : 01-20-2009 at 09:47 PM. |
nowhere else would this deserve to be said more than here, now.
jw, truly, you have done enough. you'd be better off dropping it, rather than posting this as some sort of half-assed mea culpa. oh..and what brian said. |
when will gpk come out of the closet?
Don't flatter yourself femmy oversensitive queen. |