Happy Opening Day !
I consider this day a National Holiday as I'm sure some of you do as well. It's like New Years Day for me. I have taken this day off from work since 1990 (Ripkenesque?).
Time to close the blinds, grab some peanuts a hot dog and a coupla beers. Take the phone off of the hook and enjoy the free preview from MLB Extra Innings . So my mantra for this day is - "Today....I consider myself.... the laziest man....on the face of the earth...." Of course you have to imagine it with a slight echo. What are your thoughts on opening day? Happy Opening Day everyone !
"You miss 100% of the shots that you don't take." Follow me with the Rays grounds crew at https://twitter.com/TripleCrown59 www.facebook.com/TripleCrown59 K&S pics- http://share.shutterfly.com/action/w...0BYtWrhw2csXLA |
Someone let me know when this Baseball Station is available on Dish Network. On my own, I know I won't figure out it's available for atleast 1 season after it's available. The best part of Opening Day is the pitching match-ups. Even that got messed up last night, because of the "non-injury" to Hamels. All in all, it ain't that big a deal to me. Would help if they would start it on a Friday (instead of on Sunday-Monday.)