I think they should of just gotten rid of the hitting coach. If you lose Brandon Webb, and the Drew kid, then you've lost the most consistent clutch performers on both offense n defense. You're gunna struggle. Should of been adults about it, and aimed at the wild card. This team had put together big winning streaks in the past for this manager. Drew is such a fundamentally strong hitter that you just can't stop him. The others all have weaknesses that pitchers have learned to pitch to. They have to adapt to that, and when they were here, they appeared to be doing the same stuff that makes it easy to get them out. I'm surprised the Connor guy is struggling. He's the 2nd most reliable hitter. It's a domino effect. You lost your natural hit machine. That puts pressure on the Connor guy. He struggles, and the other guys all panic(they never were that sound anyways.) Should of aimed for .500 ball, and hoped you could get a hot month to get you Wild-Card appropriate. Putting a guy in with no managerial experience is so bush.