Graphic Cigarette Ads
Hate cigarettes and I don't smoke...
But what's next? Selling chainsaws with pictures of severed limbs on the side? How about a graphic of a wine-o throwing his guts up on side of a bottle of Merlot? |
They didn't outlaw them...1 in 5 people still smoke. That's their right. The correct thing to do is show kids why you shouldn't start.
And it's laughable how Philip Morris just goes along with everything. "You want us to put a graphic tracheotomy ad on our product? OK..." Want people to quit smoking cold turkey? Exempt them from any ObamaCare benefits when they get lung cancer. They'll quit. They showed a cancerous lung at that BodyWorlds exhibit, and there is a trash can there because they couldn't keep up with the number of people throwing out their pack of cigarettes after seeing that. |
Leaving the abortion clinic you get a bag of bloody goo?
“To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” Thomas Jefferson |
many other countrys have this..peru,mexico russia.ect..no biggie
leaving church get you a bag of semen?
Go to the mall, see what kids are doing to themselves already. Hope this doesn't lure them into smoking.
For once, something good.... |
Next up from our overbearing nanny state Govt. that truly believes Americans are stupid and need to be guided every step of the way through life would have to be a picture of Oprah nude on every box of twinkies.
The more I think about this the more P.O.d I get. Congress gave the FDA the power to pass laws last year in what bill? Why don't they put up billboards with the new warnings so everyone can be offended? Why just smokers? Believe me they will get around to every last bit of freedom enjoyed by anyone eventually. This has to be in violation of obscenity laws somewhere. Kids will be having nightmares. The Govt. makes more $$ on a pack of ciggys than the tobacco Co.s so maybe they should be trying to find ways to keep smokers happy, healthy, and smoking to help fund all the social(ist) programs they are busy dreaming up every second of every day.