Pope Pours Gas on the Fire
First off, I'm going to state that I'm not a Roman Catholic.
I'm not quite sure what Benedict's intentions are but he certainly has riled up the "hornet's nest". I've always gone by the saying, "If you pour gasoline on the fire, there's no certainty that the fire is going to go out." Here's the article: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn...091500800.html If anyone can explain this, I'd appreciate it. DTS |
Well if have been following this current Pope he has been called "God's Rotweiller", he has always been about adhering to the strict dogma of Catholicism and Christianity, whether it cause controversy or division. All he did by the way was "quote" the Emperor of the Byzantine Empire, stressing they were not his own words.
"Always be yourself...unless you suck!" |
It kind of confuses me as to why he'd be quoting a 14th century, Crusade era emperor during these times. Do you think he's trying to inflame circumstances? If you have an insight to his intent, let me know what he seeks to accomplish. Thanks. |
maybe he should go back to telling catholics what movies they can see and what books to read--as well as counting out his tithes. but he also might think before he starts quoting people from SEVEN CENTURIES AGO! he may not be an idiot (some may be uncomfortable at seeing 'pope' being linked with 'stupid') but he certainly did an idiotic thing. why? who knows...maybe he thinks he can say whatever he wishes, since he's the pope. just what we needed.
hell, whatdya expect. they just apologized for the inquisition a few years ago--apparently the catholic hierarchy has no concept of TIME. and if i ruffled feathers of any catholics out there reading this....i was raised one, altho i no longer consider myself as being one.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all. Abraham Lincoln |
"Always be yourself...unless you suck!" |
ain't it tho??
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all. Abraham Lincoln |
he seeks to drive out this moral relativism that the world has currently enveloped itself in, and to give a clear set of doctrine to which does not give in to the times and mores of the present world. Something that will not change or unwaver, then again you can see that fallacy with the whole premise of the Vatican and organized religion. Its basically men interpreting God's word, and as well we all know is a very powerful and dangerous thing. |