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Old 08-24-2012, 11:10 AM
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Default Our economy a must read

3 Articles that decribe how we are where we are and why the Bloods or the Crips are not going to fix it.

The Problem

How to fix it

Greed WAS good
Game Over
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Old 08-24-2012, 01:20 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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from the first article:

The causes of this middle-class decline are many, from globalization (jobs being shipped overseas), to the decline of private-sector unions, to the wholesale embrace of a "shareholder value" religion that values profit over everything else that companies produce. But the result of the trend can be seen vividly in two charts

the underlined part is a HUGE reason for our current problems, with companies going as automated as possible, and with burdening as few people as possible with as much work as possible. our productivity is tremendous, but income doesn't reflect that.
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Old 08-24-2012, 01:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
from the first article:

The causes of this middle-class decline are many, from globalization (jobs being shipped overseas), to the decline of private-sector unions, to the wholesale embrace of a "shareholder value" religion that values profit over everything else that companies produce. But the result of the trend can be seen vividly in two charts

the underlined part is a HUGE reason for our current problems, with companies going as automated as possible, and with burdening as few people as possible with as much work as possible. our productivity is tremendous, but income doesn't reflect that.
Meanwhile those at the very top getting filthy rich. Any changes vis a vis lower taxes, releaxed regulations will NOT result in more jobs, it will result in those at the top getting even more filthy rich. The business model will be to continue ship jobs overseas and bring in Cheap labor. Meanwhile those wages that are being shipped overseas and not to our middle class will not BECOME REVENUE for other companies as it is gone. This is unsustainable for our economy but it doesn't matter to those at the very top as they are getting theirs now and the future of our country is of no concern. I say is our enemy
al-Qaeda , Iraq, Iran ? I see these parasitic CEO's sucking the last revenues off the dying corpse as more of a threat.

Obama stood there and said he was going to remove the loop holes and rewards for shipping jobs overseas 4 years ago. I voted for him and he failed me. He is nothing more than simply another politician pushing his parties agenda.
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Old 08-24-2012, 01:45 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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one thing i read is that taxes are lower than ever on the rich, yet that hasn't meant any job growth. tax the bejesus out of them, they'll be looking for tax havens then! that would include jobs.
yeah, it would be nice if you could get the rich to pay more. but just by showing them that article probably wouldn't do a thing.

it's like when you're raising a child, and he does something wrong. bad grades, broke rules, whatever.
you care as the parent...the trick is making the kid care so that he won't do it again.
so, we have to make the rich care. how?
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Old 08-24-2012, 01:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
one thing i read is that taxes are lower than ever on the rich, yet that hasn't meant any job growth. tax the bejesus out of them, they'll be looking for tax havens then! that would include jobs.
yeah, it would be nice if you could get the rich to pay more. but just by showing them that article probably wouldn't do a thing.

it's like when you're raising a child, and he does something wrong. bad grades, broke rules, whatever.
you care as the parent...the trick is making the kid care so that he won't do it again.
so, we have to make the rich care. how?
This whole global economy hasn't been thought through what it does to your society. Sure on paper it works, give countries like China and India money and they will buy your products and your growth will increase. In reality those countries are very protective of their economies and their people are very nationalistic in their buying. It would take hundreds of years for that to change meanwhile we are the big losers. Hate to say this and I know I will get absolutely ****ing blasted but we need to be protectionist of our economy. This is not the 1920's - 30's things are completely different and what was a bad practice then may not be such a bad practice now. We are HEMORRIGHING buying power daily... MOST people don't want a hand out, they want to work... As stated in the article the middle class PUMPS nearly all what they make back into the economy...
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Old 08-24-2012, 02:04 PM
Coach Pants
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Yeah unfortunately it's too late.

All of those supply orders that ring hollow will have meaning if a valid attempt at restoring true patriotism and pride in this country occurs.

And to even get to that point would take years to accomplish because the majority of Americans still believe we could be invaded tomorrow without big daddy bald eagle super military in our lives protecting us.

I just want it all to end really. Tired of waiting for the end game these cocksuckers have planned for us.
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Old 08-24-2012, 02:31 PM
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Originally Posted by jms62 View Post
Meanwhile those at the very top getting filthy rich. Any changes vis a vis lower taxes, releaxed regulations will NOT result in more jobs, it will result in those at the top getting even more filthy rich.
Precisely. While American productivity has skyrocketed, all the resultant profit has gone into the pockets of a few. The 1950's and 1960's were indeed promising boon years, but the middle class dream is gone now.

The business model will be to continue ship jobs overseas and bring in Cheap labor. Meanwhile those wages that are being shipped overseas and not to our middle class will not BECOME REVENUE for other companies as it is gone. This is unsustainable for our economy but it doesn't matter to those at the very top as they are getting theirs now and the future of our country is of no concern. I say is our enemy
al-Qaeda , Iraq, Iran ? I see these parasitic CEO's sucking the last revenues off the dying corpse as more of a threat.

Obama stood there and said he was going to remove the loop holes and rewards for shipping jobs overseas 4 years ago. I voted for him and he failed me. He is nothing more than simply another politician pushing his parties agenda.
While wanting him to do more, certainly (I do, too) you have to like the increased trade sanctions he's instituted.
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Old 08-24-2012, 04:55 PM
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Saw this the other day, from the same report....

Middle class share of America's income shrinking.

A study released Wednesday by the Pew Research Center highlights diminished hopes, too, for the roughly 50 percent of adults defined as middle class, with household incomes ranging from $39,000 to $118,000. The report describes this mid-tier group as suffering its ‘‘worst decade in modern history,’’ having fallen backward in income for the first time since the end of World War II.

He said that many middle-income families have taken a big hit in the past decade as health care costs increase, mid-wage jobs disappear due to automation and outsourcing and college tuition mounts for those seeking to build credentials to get better work. In the meantime, more-affluent families have fared better in net worth because they are less dependent than lower-income groups on home property values, which remain shriveled after the housing bust. Wealthier Americans are more likely to be invested in the stock market, which as a whole has been quicker to recover from the downturn.

Who’s to blame: Of the self-described middle-class Americans who say it is more difficult now than it was a decade ago to maintain a standard of living, 62 percent say ‘‘a lot’’ of the blame lies with Congress. About 54 percent say the same about banks and financial institutions, while 47 percent say large corporations, 44 percent point to the Bush administration,** 39 percent cite foreign competition and 34 percent find fault with the Obama administration. About 8 percent say the middle class itself deserves a lot of the blame.Continued...

**I'll vouch for that.
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