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Old 06-22-2015, 06:29 PM
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Default Gov Haley demands rebel flag removal

South Carolina Gov Nikki Haley flanked by politicians from both parties, today demanded that state lawmakers remove the confederate flag from statehouse grounds....better late than never, obviously the church murders played a role in her about-face....I respect folk's right to have an opinion but those of us who served in the military saluted and respected the American flag and the Civil War is long over.
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Old 06-22-2015, 07:59 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by somerfrost View Post
South Carolina Gov Nikki Haley flanked by politicians from both parties, today demanded that state lawmakers remove the confederate flag from statehouse grounds....better late than never, obviously the church murders played a role in her about-face....I respect folk's right to have an opinion but those of us who served in the military saluted and respected the American flag and the Civil War is long over.

I will always support an individuals right to free speech in all forms, even what I consider the most virulent-like westboro and the kkk.
but I have always disagreed with that flag having any place on any government building or site. it is anything but patriotic to fly it.
I can't help that some didn't learn their history, or heard some revisionist claptrap, or that some wish to fly it knowing full well what it represents. that's their business.
better late than never, that she and others have spoken up now. and shame on those cowards running for higher office who won't say what's right--at least, not til the polls show they should.(looking at you, huckster, and you, santorum, who have no issue speaking up on other issues that states have decided upon.).
maybe next those states can rethink monuments to Forrest in Selma, statues of wade Hampton, whose post war behavior was worse than when he fought to keep his slaves, and others like them. leave the markers on the battlefields and museums, but quit trying to create heroes out of people that were anything but.
no government property, who is supposed to serve all, should be celebrating a time when their forbears tried to tear this country apart.
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Old 06-24-2015, 03:33 PM
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"It has become a distraction all over the country right now," Bentley said. The iconic Confederate battle flag in particular "is offensive to some people because unfortunately, it's like the swastika; some people have adopted that as part of their hate-filled groups."

altho i agree that the flag should not be flown on public property, the above isn't correct. the flag has always been a symbol of racism and white supremacy in this country.
now, other hate groups outside the country use it as the fill in when their flag isn't allowed-nazi's and white supremacists for instance in germany.
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Old 06-24-2015, 04:06 PM
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"Congratulations! You Oppose The Confederate Flag. Now What?"
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Old 06-24-2015, 04:25 PM
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Originally Posted by OldDog View Post
"Congratulations! You Oppose The Confederate Flag. Now What?"
The rebel flag is a symbol, to many it represents the worst of human nature...I resent this writers arrogant assumption that I think removing it from our culture will end racism and bigotry, of course not but this goes beyond "political correctness" and isn't some knee-jerk reaction to the murders in SC. We don't use the "n-word" and we consider hate crime particularly vile...if we strive for a more just society we can't turn a blind eye to folks who hide behind freedom of speech to subvert the very nature of freedom. This is a message that must be sent...a necessary step in a journey far from it's end.
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Old 06-24-2015, 08:45 PM
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Originally Posted by somerfrost View Post
The rebel flag is a symbol, to many it represents the worst of human nature...I resent this writers arrogant assumption that I think removing it from our culture will end racism and bigotry...
Gosh, sorry you took offense. I didn't know you worked in the media. Television or print?
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Old 06-24-2015, 09:19 PM
GBBob GBBob is offline
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Originally Posted by OldDog View Post
"Congratulations! You Oppose The Confederate Flag. Now What?"
Well...would really like to eliminate guns, but since that is a problem, maybe start with the Viagra that fuels them. Got a good stance to keep that piece of sh#t flag?
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Old 06-24-2015, 09:58 PM
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What a wretch.

His idiotic comments about the shooting are beyond the pale.. But as tho he felt he'd not let enough stupid fall out of his mouth:

He voted against opening debate about whether to remove the flag from the memorial on Tuesday.

"I think the misuse and the miseducation of the flag has pushed it to this point," he said then.

"Why do we let hate groups dictate how we feel and how we live?" he added. "Hate groups are everywhere. They're just mean people. We just found that out in Charleston."

You, sir, are who needs educating. That flag has stood for something since the day it was first carried by the army of northern Virginia 150 years ago. What it stood for then is what it still means to some now, your revisionist southern apologist history notwithstanding. Wondered who the moron was who voted not to debate. Now I know.
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Old 06-24-2015, 04:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post

"It has become a distraction all over the country right now," Bentley said. The iconic Confederate battle flag in particular "is offensive to some people because unfortunately, it's like the swastika; some people have adopted that as part of their hate-filled groups."

altho i agree that the flag should not be flown on public property, the above isn't correct. the flag has always been a symbol of racism and white supremacy in this country.
now, other hate groups outside the country use it as the fill in when their flag isn't allowed-nazi's and white supremacists for instance in germany.
You are correct. Look, I don't want to see the Feds ban the rebel flag (free speech) but companies and the market place have a role here, it's time that a statement is made that bad taste (to say nothing of hatred and racism) HAS NO PLACE IN THIS COUNTRY.
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Old 06-24-2015, 04:55 PM
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Originally Posted by somerfrost View Post
You are correct. Look, I don't want to see the Feds ban the rebel flag (free speech) but companies and the market place have a role here, it's time that a statement is made that bad taste (to say nothing of hatred and racism) HAS NO PLACE IN THIS COUNTRY.
i don't see a ban happening at all. nor should it.

Originally Posted by somerfrost View Post
The rebel flag is a symbol, to many it represents the worst of human nature...I resent this writers arrogant assumption that I think removing it from our culture will end racism and bigotry, of course not but this goes beyond "political correctness" and isn't some knee-jerk reaction to the murders in SC. We don't use the "n-word" and we consider hate crime particularly vile...if we strive for a more just society we can't turn a blind eye to folks who hide behind freedom of speech to subvert the very nature of freedom. This is a message that must be sent...a necessary step in a journey far from it's end.
well said. i've always been against the states flying it-how unnerving to those not of that viewpoint who lived in those states. what message did it send to their citizens who saw that flag and wondered?
i am a history nut, and have been to just about every civil war battlefield in this country, large and small. but i know full well what that flag meant, and what it continues to mean to many. it has a place in history, in museums, as a learning point...but to have flown it with pride by state governments...simply unreal. and i'm glad i get to see that change in my lifetime, it's gone on too long already.
i hope the removal is a first step. much needs changing. it's a continual process, not a journey with one or two destinations, such as appamattox and selma.
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