The real, offensive, Hillary Clinton...
Read the article below or wait for book to come out... there is no way I am retyping any fraction of her insulting remarks here.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...mer-lover.html This woman is bat-sh*t crazy. |
Her poll numbers would go up if she were honest. If the radical left was forced to be honest they would fire up every minority in this country to the point that the majority would have most of their rights stripped.
Oh wait...that's already happening. Where's that heavily edited 911 tape from the shooting? Orwell right again.
RIP identity politics 1965-2016 |
She is so disturbing to look at and watch.
Who dresses her? The Pear factory? I think I won't even care about the next 4 to 8 years if that douche gets in.
Support your local Re-run or horse rescue organization. https://www.rerunottb.com/:) |
Someone who has a shrine to Chairman Mao in their loft.
RIP identity politics 1965-2016 |
Hillary Clinton is the only candidate ever to run for president under FBI investigation.
The end.
Support your local Re-run or horse rescue organization. https://www.rerunottb.com/:) |
https://youtu.be/ysWlpmGu20Q?t=39s |
Everything you ever needed to know about this fake-assed fraud in one 6 second video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYUQ...ature=youtu.be |
Especially when he starts with his misogyny or racism, or the like. Oh, but wait...i forgot. He is exactly what you guys are into.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all. Abraham Lincoln |
* Securing the border to stem the flow of drugs, criminals, and illegals * Restoring our Military to it's former strength * Renegotiating international trade deals so we're not losing close to a trillion (cumulatively) per year * Restoring a sense of community by bringing jobs BACK rather than record food stamps and public assistance as a result of rampant under/unemployment * Making our Veterans and their health needs a priority * Replacing a failed, bankrupt Obamacare system with something that actually works by negotiating prescription drug deals, opening and ending the insurance cartel monopolies * Protecting our 2nd amendment * Reforming the tax code to encourage small business and energy independence """But he's a big meanie that hurts my feelings cuz he's not PC""" """Waaaaaaa"" {insert Trigglypuff image here} LOL Please try to name one single thing Clinton has done or will do. Just one, that's all. Oh, aside for continuing to rape our nation and wiping her gigantic ass with the constitution - we already seen her and her husband in action, and already know that's coming... |
Illinois' own George Will? It's obviously going to help Trump's campaign.
RIP identity politics 1965-2016 |
She is a lying piece of garbage.
Support your local Re-run or horse rescue organization. https://www.rerunottb.com/:) |
Funny coming from you tho, who trusts the judgement of a lying piece of garbage
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all. Abraham Lincoln |
That is true. I know my garbage.
Support your local Re-run or horse rescue organization. https://www.rerunottb.com/:) |