Good job, scotus
Well done. And can we get a 9th justice already?! So ridiculous http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_57...b017b379f676f7 Give em hell, rbg!
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all. Abraham Lincoln Last edited by Danzig : 06-27-2016 at 11:50 AM. |
Bad news for gun control advocates. |
That is the wrong line on this....you are supposed to be saying something about how these new harsh regulations were in order to ensure womens safety. You know, to maintain the fiction of what texas was trying to do here.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all. Abraham Lincoln |
Wide open legs and wide open borders.
MURCA! Kill your babies! Then we're all like... "We need immigrants cuz not enough babies!" Kinda makes me support the Caliphate. But then again I'm stuck here with idiots who support killing our future and I don't have access to a bunker.
RIP identity politics 1965-2016 |
Canada is nice this time of year....
"Always be yourself...unless you suck!" |
They allow full term abortions and non-penetrating bestiality. But yeah I'm sure the weather is nice.
RIP identity politics 1965-2016 |
50% of the aborted babies are female, so reducing abortions would help some of them. |
As for your claim in the latter part, cite? And you do know that abortion rates have dropped? As have pregnancy rates? And that 'abortion is murder' is both a talking point and an opinion, not a fact? But yeah,keep dancing on the gop puppet strings while they keep passing tax breaks for the rich and diverting your attention with regulations they know wont stick on clinics... While attempting to deregulate the dipshits who caused the 08 economic meltdown.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all. Abraham Lincoln |