Declan's Moon Looks Good on Track
Declan's Moon looks like his old self in the post parade today. He didn't look like himself at all in the post parade at Del Mar. I expect him to run a big race today. I think he will win.
You cant bet this race. I hope he wins, but I dont think he will. I think Turnbolt will win.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4ySSg4QG8g |
He ran better than Turnbolt. He looked loaded for a second, then just flattened out.
Vic Stauffer is now plugging in "down the Cushion track" into his racecalls. Absolutely brutal. That guy is the second worst besides Battaglia
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4ySSg4QG8g |
dooley is wearing thin also..........and declans is done..
You can never really tell what the f is gunna happen in this game.How in this f'n world did Premium Saltine not go to the front? UN F'N BELIEVABLE B.S.
Thats not the first time Jon Court has won on the lead with an inferior horse. Ill tell you what, I dont really like him, but when hes on the lead he is VERY tough to pass. He gets a lot of run.
Dooley is a great caller, Stauffer is a douchebag.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4ySSg4QG8g |
ok..what ever im sad he wont be at gs..i like his calls.. and curt becker is better than most save durkin sober//
DM had no real excuses. He wasn't going to beat the winner no matter what. He may have had a shot for 2nd if he would have dropped another 5 lengths back. He doesn't want to be up near the lead when they're going :44 or whatever they went today. But even if he dropped about 6 lengths back, he would have had no shot at winning the race. He may have had a shot to get second.
I'm pissed off because Sailors Sunset was my second choice. I even played a one way exacta DM/SS. But I bet nothing to win on SS. I figured that Premium Saltine would be up there early pushing SS. If I would have known that SS would get an easy lead, I would have definitely bet something to win on him at that price. |
Crickey, Sailor's Sunset takes it. Declan was third.
DM came out of the race fine. He didn't bleed or anything. He just got tired being so close to that fast pace. He doesn't want to run like that. He wasn't going to beat the winner any way, but he would have probably run much better if he would have been another 4-5 lengths back.