Originally Posted by Seattleallstar
they should only focus on Arabs and people of middle eastern decent. Muslims should also be lumped into that category.
Someone help me here. It is 2007 isn't it? Ethnic profiling, racial profiling whatever you want to call it should not take place period. Before I get profiled in here, let me take the guess work out of it. I'm a white male, educated, and in my early 40's. You know whether it's ethnic profiling, racial profiling, religious profiling, or any other type of profiling it is flat out wrong. It all sounds good in theory to those that have never been on the receiving end, but talk to someone that has been. Imagine being followed every time you enter a department store, receiving poor service at a restaraunt, being starred at by passengers on public transportation, being the punch line of jokes told by a group of good ole boys, having to listen to the sound of someone locking their car doors because you are walking by, having to listen to slurs because of the way you dress, who you worship, or your sexual orientation. Once you start profiling for any reason, you've stooped to a level that is hard to recover from. I know a lot of you will disagree with me and that's okay. After all, it is America and it's 2007 isn't it?