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Old 06-15-2016, 08:05 AM
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Originally Posted by GenuineRisk View Post
This guy pledged support to both ISIL and Hezbollah, who are in conflict with each other. What he didn't understand about actual Islamic extremism would fill an encyclopedia. He was a closeted homophobe.

As for his (physically and emotionally abused) wife, I suspect she figured reporting it to the cops would go something like this:

1) She calls FBI/police
2) They investigate, find no grounds to do anything
3) He kills her

What you can count on is that a mass shooter will most likely be white, and almost certainly be male. Dig a little bit into his character and you'll find out he likely also hates women and brown folk which he'll have expounded at at some length about on the internet.

But sure, let's blame it on the religion a lot of brown folk practice. Move along, nothing to see here.
No let's blame it on your father for being a worthless drunk and not raising you to be a sane person instead of an apologist for a religion that oppresses women far more than Christianity, you mentally-stunted dumb f.uck.
RIP identity politics 1965-2016
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Old 06-15-2016, 08:06 AM
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Who owns the records in the 21st century in America for mass terrorist attacks?

It isn't white men, (((Genuine Risk)))
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Old 06-15-2016, 08:16 AM
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Go to pretty much any country under Sharia Law and try to find any white men who commit terrorist attacks.

Afterwards continue laughing at Genuine Risk but then calm yourself and read what she's posting.

She's still shocked that a majority in a country can technically be a majority in crime when you don't apply percentage of population.

Hey dumb woman, some of us know context. Go ahead and report me to the authorities so you can be Captain America. Stop with the subtle Steve. Have me investigated. Then I will have you investigated to see exactly what you are and who you work for.

There's no way on earth you're not innocent and not getting paid by people who want to destroy white men. Your posting history is that of a black lives matter radical, tbh.
RIP identity politics 1965-2016
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Old 06-15-2016, 08:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Pants II View Post
Fast forward say 15-20 years and multiply by 5. Lets be real conservative with 5, eh?

That's enough to take this country down for good.

But not to worry because this is homegrown terror, radicalized online, the President says. "We need the strength and courage to change..."

Mateen pledged allegiance to ISIS and its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, claimed he was doing this in solidarity with Boston marathon bombers Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, and Moner Mohammad Abu-Salha, the first U.S. citizen to carry out a suicide attack in Syria, and said he was protesting the U.S. bombing in Syria and Iraq and the killing of women and children.

But "we need to change." Because if this turns out to be just another terrorist attack by a radical Muslim who hates the West and loves ISIS, what use would it be as a domestic political weapon?
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Old 06-15-2016, 08:48 AM
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Originally Posted by OldDog View Post

But not to worry because this is homegrown terror, radicalized online, the President says. "We need the strength and courage to change..."

Mateen pledged allegiance to ISIS and its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, claimed he was doing this in solidarity with Boston marathon bombers Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, and Moner Mohammad Abu-Salha, the first U.S. citizen to carry out a suicide attack in Syria, and said he was protesting the U.S. bombing in Syria and Iraq and the killing of women and children.

But "we need to change." Because if this turns out to be just another terrorist attack by a radical Muslim who hates the West and loves ISIS, what use would it be as a domestic political weapon?
He was gay and probably visiting Christian churches. Let's just wait for the MSM to feed Genuine Swine's gaping maw so she can lecture us on how it's the white man that really did this attack.

Daddy issues. Long-term radicalization through media, schools, etc. The culture she blames for her nightmare childhood. She should've been put up for adoption but gov. wasn't designed for that in those times.
RIP identity politics 1965-2016
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Old 06-15-2016, 09:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Rupert Pupkin View Post
The Obama Administration is currently bringing 100 Syrian refugees into the US every day. How many of you think that is a good idea? The vetting process was originally supposed to take 18-24 months, but now they are doing it in just 3 months so that Obama can bring in as many as possible before he leaves office. Hillary supports this program.

Trump made a very good point about Hillary being in favor of bringing in all these refugees. He said something to the effect of, 'How can Hillary claim to be a supporter of the gay community while wanting to bring in tens of thousands of people who want to oppress and possibly even murder gay people.' Do Hillary and Obama think that these tens of thousands of refugees are tolerant of gay people? The bottom line is that the vast majority of these people are from a totally different culture and they have totally different values than the values shared by the vast majority of Americans. As the polls have showed, a high percentage of the people coming here from these Muslim countries are in favor of Sharia Law. They would like it to become the law of the land in America. Do any of you think it is a good idea to bring people to America who support Sharia Law? By the way, homosexuality is punishable by death under Sharia Law.
Obama and supporters of this policy are either dangerously naïve or complicit. And folks will someday gasp, "oh, really?" when People Magazine announces that the most popular newborn boys' name has become Muhammad.
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Old 06-15-2016, 10:45 AM
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Originally Posted by OldDog View Post
Obama and supporters of this policy are either dangerously naïve or complicit. And folks will someday gasp, "oh, really?" when People Magazine announces that the most popular newborn boys' name has become Muhammad.
They've got a completely rational excuse when it does.

"51% (really 22% or so)are named after the boxer. Islam isn't the problem. Boxing is the problem, you racissssss!"
RIP identity politics 1965-2016
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Old 06-15-2016, 04:38 PM
Antitrust32 Antitrust32 is offline
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I dont post on here anymore, dont really lurk either, maybe a few times per year or if I want some triple crown news. But I'll come out of the shadows for a minute.

I'm 33 years old. The first time the WTC was bombed, I was 10. The last 23 years I've lived in a time where a ideology has been allowed to grow, and ideology that stands for NOTHING that this free nation stands for. Any ideology set out only to destroy.

An ideology that treats women like human rights violations. Where in certain nations, you cannot look a man in the eye. God forbid you try and get an education or love someone you actually want to love and not sold off to. Where thousands upon thousands of women are killed by their own family every single year, because of some sort of honor. An ideology, that in 50 countries that support parts or all of this ideology, only 5 of them can a gay person live their life without fear of being persecuted by their government. 10 of those nations sentence homosexuals to death. 45 of them have laws against homosexuality, or homosexual acts. 90 freaking percent you will be arrested for being gay. 20 percent you will be put to death. 10 percent can you actually live and not be arrested.

An ideology that threatens the existence of everything we care about. Not only that, but this ideology is the greatest threat that muslims themself face. Don't accept the caliphate? your dead? If you are a child, maybe you'll just become a slave. If you are a woman, you'll be raped until you die.

We mustn't forget that this ideology is more harmful towards the muslim community than anyone else. That the vast majority of terrorist attacks carried out by this line of thinking are attacks against the muslim people in muslim countries. That Sharia law hurts them way more than it hurts our Western nations. It hurts the women, it hurts the gays, it hurts children, it hurts everyone and it certainly hurts advancement. That the acceptance of a caliphate is the goal of the ideology, and anyone that doesnt accept this is the enemy, and the VAST majority of muslims do not accept the caliphate.

So an attack occurs 90 miles from my home, at a club i've been to, at a club that a couple of my friends frequent. The attacker subscribes to the ideology mentioned above. What is the response I see? We must respect this ideology. Islam is peace. This has to do with the Christian treatment of gays and republican policy. Please read the past few lines if you subscribe to such lunacy... realize how stupid it sounds, how dangerous your political correctness is.

And realize that by turning a blind eye to the evils of this ideology, you are hurting the people who you pretend to care about the most.

I am sick of 23 years worth of terror attacks. I will not stand by quietly and allow an ideology to thrive. And I will certainly never allow someone to tell me I need to respect something that would love to see me dead in an instant.

Read. Research. Understand. This **** is important. This **** is real.
Originally Posted by Riot View Post
Can I start just making stuff up out of thin air, too?
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Old 06-15-2016, 08:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Antitrust32 View Post
I dont post on here anymore, dont really lurk either, maybe a few times per year or if I want some triple crown news. But I'll come out of the shadows for a minute.

I'm 33 years old. The first time the WTC was bombed, I was 10. The last 23 years I've lived in a time where a ideology has been allowed to grow, and ideology that stands for NOTHING that this free nation stands for. Any ideology set out only to destroy.

An ideology that treats women like human rights violations. Where in certain nations, you cannot look a man in the eye. God forbid you try and get an education or love someone you actually want to love and not sold off to. Where thousands upon thousands of women are killed by their own family every single year, because of some sort of honor. An ideology, that in 50 countries that support parts or all of this ideology, only 5 of them can a gay person live their life without fear of being persecuted by their government. 10 of those nations sentence homosexuals to death. 45 of them have laws against homosexuality, or homosexual acts. 90 freaking percent you will be arrested for being gay. 20 percent you will be put to death. 10 percent can you actually live and not be arrested.

An ideology that threatens the existence of everything we care about. Not only that, but this ideology is the greatest threat that muslims themself face. Don't accept the caliphate? your dead? If you are a child, maybe you'll just become a slave. If you are a woman, you'll be raped until you die.

We mustn't forget that this ideology is more harmful towards the muslim community than anyone else. That the vast majority of terrorist attacks carried out by this line of thinking are attacks against the muslim people in muslim countries. That Sharia law hurts them way more than it hurts our Western nations. It hurts the women, it hurts the gays, it hurts children, it hurts everyone and it certainly hurts advancement. That the acceptance of a caliphate is the goal of the ideology, and anyone that doesnt accept this is the enemy, and the VAST majority of muslims do not accept the caliphate.

So an attack occurs 90 miles from my home, at a club i've been to, at a club that a couple of my friends frequent. The attacker subscribes to the ideology mentioned above. What is the response I see? We must respect this ideology. Islam is peace. This has to do with the Christian treatment of gays and republican policy. Please read the past few lines if you subscribe to such lunacy... realize how stupid it sounds, how dangerous your political correctness is.

And realize that by turning a blind eye to the evils of this ideology, you are hurting the people who you pretend to care about the most.

I am sick of 23 years worth of terror attacks. I will not stand by quietly and allow an ideology to thrive. And I will certainly never allow someone to tell me I need to respect something that would love to see me dead in an instant.

Read. Research. Understand. This **** is important. This **** is real.
Hillary Clinton 2016: The "Extremely Careless" Leadership America Needs!
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Old 06-16-2016, 07:43 AM
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A warning from Europe (Milo Yiannopoulos)

Starts at 12 minute mark. Worth watching.
RIP identity politics 1965-2016
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Old 06-16-2016, 11:16 AM
Rudeboyelvis Rudeboyelvis is offline
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Originally Posted by Pants II View Post

A warning from Europe (Milo Yiannopoulos)

Starts at 12 minute mark. Worth watching.
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Old 06-16-2016, 11:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Antitrust32 View Post
I dont post on here anymore, dont really lurk either, maybe a few times per year or if I want some triple crown news. But I'll come out of the shadows for a minute.

I'm 33 years old. The first time the WTC was bombed, I was 10. The last 23 years I've lived in a time where a ideology has been allowed to grow, and ideology that stands for NOTHING that this free nation stands for. Any ideology set out only to destroy.

An ideology that treats women like human rights violations. Where in certain nations, you cannot look a man in the eye. God forbid you try and get an education or love someone you actually want to love and not sold off to. Where thousands upon thousands of women are killed by their own family every single year, because of some sort of honor. An ideology, that in 50 countries that support parts or all of this ideology, only 5 of them can a gay person live their life without fear of being persecuted by their government. 10 of those nations sentence homosexuals to death. 45 of them have laws against homosexuality, or homosexual acts. 90 freaking percent you will be arrested for being gay. 20 percent you will be put to death. 10 percent can you actually live and not be arrested.

An ideology that threatens the existence of everything we care about. Not only that, but this ideology is the greatest threat that muslims themself face. Don't accept the caliphate? your dead? If you are a child, maybe you'll just become a slave. If you are a woman, you'll be raped until you die.

We mustn't forget that this ideology is more harmful towards the muslim community than anyone else. That the vast majority of terrorist attacks carried out by this line of thinking are attacks against the muslim people in muslim countries. That Sharia law hurts them way more than it hurts our Western nations. It hurts the women, it hurts the gays, it hurts children, it hurts everyone and it certainly hurts advancement. That the acceptance of a caliphate is the goal of the ideology, and anyone that doesnt accept this is the enemy, and the VAST majority of muslims do not accept the caliphate.

So an attack occurs 90 miles from my home, at a club i've been to, at a club that a couple of my friends frequent. The attacker subscribes to the ideology mentioned above. What is the response I see? We must respect this ideology. Islam is peace. This has to do with the Christian treatment of gays and republican policy. Please read the past few lines if you subscribe to such lunacy... realize how stupid it sounds, how dangerous your political correctness is.

And realize that by turning a blind eye to the evils of this ideology, you are hurting the people who you pretend to care about the most.

I am sick of 23 years worth of terror attacks. I will not stand by quietly and allow an ideology to thrive. And I will certainly never allow someone to tell me I need to respect something that would love to see me dead in an instant.

Read. Research. Understand. This **** is important. This **** is real.
Well stated. Thanks for coming out of the shadows, and don't stay away.
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Old 06-16-2016, 02:02 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by Antitrust32 View Post
I dont post on here anymore, dont really lurk either, maybe a few times per year or if I want some triple crown news. But I'll come out of the shadows for a minute.

I'm 33 years old. The first time the WTC was bombed, I was 10. The last 23 years I've lived in a time where a ideology has been allowed to grow, and ideology that stands for NOTHING that this free nation stands for. Any ideology set out only to destroy.

An ideology that treats women like human rights violations. Where in certain nations, you cannot look a man in the eye. God forbid you try and get an education or love someone you actually want to love and not sold off to. Where thousands upon thousands of women are killed by their own family every single year, because of some sort of honor. An ideology, that in 50 countries that support parts or all of this ideology, only 5 of them can a gay person live their life without fear of being persecuted by their government. 10 of those nations sentence homosexuals to death. 45 of them have laws against homosexuality, or homosexual acts. 90 freaking percent you will be arrested for being gay. 20 percent you will be put to death. 10 percent can you actually live and not be arrested.

An ideology that threatens the existence of everything we care about. Not only that, but this ideology is the greatest threat that muslims themself face. Don't accept the caliphate? your dead? If you are a child, maybe you'll just become a slave. If you are a woman, you'll be raped until you die.

We mustn't forget that this ideology is more harmful towards the muslim community than anyone else. That the vast majority of terrorist attacks carried out by this line of thinking are attacks against the muslim people in muslim countries. That Sharia law hurts them way more than it hurts our Western nations. It hurts the women, it hurts the gays, it hurts children, it hurts everyone and it certainly hurts advancement. That the acceptance of a caliphate is the goal of the ideology, and anyone that doesnt accept this is the enemy, and the VAST majority of muslims do not accept the caliphate.

So an attack occurs 90 miles from my home, at a club i've been to, at a club that a couple of my friends frequent. The attacker subscribes to the ideology mentioned above. What is the response I see? We must respect this ideology. Islam is peace. This has to do with the Christian treatment of gays and republican policy. Please read the past few lines if you subscribe to such lunacy... realize how stupid it sounds, how dangerous your political correctness is.

And realize that by turning a blind eye to the evils of this ideology, you are hurting the people who you pretend to care about the most.

I am sick of 23 years worth of terror attacks. I will not stand by quietly and allow an ideology to thrive. And I will certainly never allow someone to tell me I need to respect something that would love to see me dead in an instant.

Read. Research. Understand. This **** is important. This **** is real.
Good post, glad you came by.
I do not know why muslim countries are essentially quite backward. It is not a good thing when a cuvilizations golden age was almost 800 years ago. Using religiin as an excuse to keep people down and dumb ended in many other countries some time sgo. Now, there are still some in many places who still want that, but nothing like what you see in countries who follow sharia. It is a difficult situation, not just for those living in those places, but for those who live in areas to which these people are fleeing.
I dont know how or why they essentially devolved, but here we are.
And no, i do not think we have to chsnge. I think we need to do as we have before. We must be true to our way of life, our freedoms, our strengths, to not yield to fear.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.
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Old 06-16-2016, 04:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
Good post, glad you came by.
I do not know why muslim countries are essentially quite backward. It is not a good thing when a cuvilizations golden age was almost 800 years ago. Using religiin as an excuse to keep people down and dumb ended in many other countries some time sgo. Now, there are still some in many places who still want that, but nothing like what you see in countries who follow sharia. It is a difficult situation, not just for those living in those places, but for those who live in areas to which these people are fleeing.
I dont know how or why they essentially devolved, but here we are.
And no, i do not think we have to chsnge. I think we need to do as we have before. We must be true to our way of life, our freedoms, our strengths, to not yield to fear.
What will it take, another 911 for you to say "Maybe things have changed and we can no longer do as we have before". Maybe our enemies are smart enough to see the gapping holes in our immigration policies that anyone with a modicum of intelligence can exploit. I know of no endeavor were inflexibility to change when things no longer work is a recipe for success. And don't waste your breath stating that if we change the terrorist win... If we don't change and the terrorists keep slaughtering innocents we lose. As of 2016 this country has entered a new era where the terror comes to us on our doorstep. We have avoided it for a long time. Failing to see and act on that trend is a losing bet.
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Old 06-16-2016, 04:38 PM
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The Disney Gator is close to overtaking the real news. I hope we just keep bringing the gators over until Disney goes bankrupt.
RIP identity politics 1965-2016
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Old 06-16-2016, 04:50 PM
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Lets look at law enforcement response after the Pulse shooting...

Family and accomplices interviewed...most released.

Now for the Gator incident...

4 gator friends killed. Suspect might still be on the loose but lets face it they're guessing. They're using "kill 'em all" strategy.

It would be nice if we'd let fish and wildlife switch jobs with our serious alphabet agencies.
RIP identity politics 1965-2016
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Old 06-16-2016, 04:53 PM
Rudeboyelvis Rudeboyelvis is offline
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The new muslim mayor of London speaks to a segregated crowd in Manchester.

Welcome to the new normal.

I'm sure the resident fembots are looking forward to this. You know, being treated as second class citizens...again.

Keep embracing this "ideology with a few bad apples" as normal, and apologizing for this president's idiocy.
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Old 06-16-2016, 04:56 PM
Rudeboyelvis Rudeboyelvis is offline
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Same guy, banning bikini ads (they are illegal under sharia law) in London

Oh, because they are *body-shaming*.

Got it.
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Old 06-16-2016, 04:57 PM
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I used to tell young men graduating from high school to look at technical college. Don't be ashamed to be a plumber or electrician.

Well now I'm telling them to read up on survivalism. There won't be electricity and toilets in 20 years if we don't curb immigration.
RIP identity politics 1965-2016
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Old 06-16-2016, 04:57 PM
Rudeboyelvis Rudeboyelvis is offline
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Originally Posted by Pants II View Post
Lets look at law enforcement response after the Pulse shooting...

Family and accomplices interviewed...most released.

Now for the Gator incident...

4 gator friends killed. Suspect might still be on the loose but lets face it they're guessing. They're using "kill 'em all" strategy.

It would be nice if we'd let fish and wildlife switch jobs with our serious alphabet agencies.
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