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Old 01-29-2007, 01:38 PM
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I wonder if Dr. Richardson will hold the press conference. Would the Jacksons even be up to talking?
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Old 01-29-2007, 01:42 PM
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I can't believe he made it this long.This is real saddening,yet relief to know it is over for him.A positive way to look at this is that the Vets got to try some new procedures and treatments and gained a ton of experience with this, so future horses will benefit from Barbaro.Rest well buddy,and let me know if you beat Secretariat!!
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Old 01-29-2007, 01:43 PM
Habersham000 Habersham000 is offline
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One of the best recent horses to grace the track.....RIP big guy
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Old 01-29-2007, 01:46 PM
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I really hope that Dr. Richardson or anyone else second guesses their efforts. More than once they overcame incredible odds just to keep hope alive, but the time came to stop the suffering.
Do I think Charity can win? Well, I am walking around in yesterday's suit.
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Old 01-29-2007, 01:47 PM
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this thread, for the most part, is why it's a pleasure to be at Derby Trail.

Great try, Barbaro. And a big thank you to the Jacksons, Richardson, and everyone who tried to save this horse.

Curlin and Hard Spun finish 1,2 in the 2007 BC Classic, demonstrating how competing in all three Triple Crown races ruins a horse for the rest of the year...see avatar
photo from REUTERS/Lucas Jackson
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Old 01-29-2007, 01:49 PM
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Yahoo front page has 30 pictures of the champ.
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Old 01-29-2007, 01:50 PM
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sorry to hear this..great horse in his own right ..derby champ..and a tough way to get the noterity he would have had if he was not
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Old 01-29-2007, 02:02 PM
Downthestretch55 Downthestretch55 is offline
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I'm so saddened to hear this. Condolences to all that loved him.
And thanks to the One that allowed you to be loaned to us for such a brief time. Your spirit held so much good for all of us to see.
Now that you're in the big pasture, healed and whole on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge, I'm sure many will meet up with you someday.
Thanks for the ride!
Rest in peace Barbaro, you gave much more than you took.
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Old 01-29-2007, 02:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig188
thanks somer. i originally put that he fought the good fight...but as soon as i sent i remembered the other--he truly did rage against the dying.

i gotta go. i'm at work, and trying to keep's hard. we all know the odds. the triumph of hope over experience.

so sorry for the jacksons--much as we all feel it, just think how distraught they must be. and dr richardson as well. he'll tear himself up re-thinking this.
This is so true, I think it should be mentioned that Barbaro did not die in vain. His heroics off the track are going to be integral in saving future horses, that he lived 8 months with his injuries is testament to his heart, and now the learning experience of treating him will be applied to future horses. I know the hell of laminitis personally and loved Barbaro even more for his fight and will to live, and I'm also ready to accept his passing, he deserves the peace now. RIP Barbaro.
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Old 01-29-2007, 02:12 PM
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RIP Barbaro. You have touched many.
"Someone's go na have ta go back and get a **** load of dimes!!"
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Old 01-29-2007, 02:12 PM
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I want to hear what Edgar Prado has to say about Barbaro. you know how much this crushes us, think about what it does to him. I just watched the Kentucky Derby again, and man was that a powerful performance!
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Old 01-29-2007, 02:13 PM
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Originally Posted by smuthg
has there been any word on a news conference?

scheduled for 4pm
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Old 01-29-2007, 02:14 PM
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This is beyond words. It is just so sad. RIP beautiful one.
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Old 01-29-2007, 02:15 PM
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RIP- Don't just weep because he's gone, make time to smile because he was here.

I'm sure like me many of you have already seen these tribute videos. Just thought I would post a few for everyone. There are many others on youtube, these a re just a few.

Last edited by ManilaRose : 01-29-2007 at 02:28 PM.
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Old 01-29-2007, 02:32 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by LARHAGE
This is so true, I think it should be mentioned that Barbaro did not die in vain. His heroics off the track are going to be integral in saving future horses, that he lived 8 months with his injuries is testament to his heart, and now the learning experience of treating him will be applied to future horses. I know the hell of laminitis personally and loved Barbaro even more for his fight and will to live, and I'm also ready to accept his passing, he deserves the peace now. RIP Barbaro.
i know some took it amiss the other day--thought it was suggested that barbaro was some kind of guinea pig--that wasn't the case. everything they did, they did to save him--and everything they learned is something that will save another horse. ruffian was no guinea pig, but they learned much from her and others that came before--the recovery pool immediately comes to my mind.

and this from steve haskin, who shows once again why he writes-and why bloodhorse has him:
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Old 01-29-2007, 02:38 PM
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Originally Posted by smuthg
has there been any word on a news conference?
The press conference will be held at 4 pm this afternoon at New Bolton.

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Old 01-29-2007, 02:40 PM
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Rip boy.

We lost a great champion today. Sad, sad day for racing.


Don't cry for the horses
That life has set free
A million white horses
Forever to be
Don't cry for the horses
Now in God's hands
As they dance and they prance
To a heavenly band
They were ours to borrow
But never to keep
As they close their eyes
Forever to sleep
Their spirits unbound
On silver wings they fly
A million white horses
Against a blue sky
Look up into heaven
You'll see them above
The horses we lost
The horses we loved
Manes and tails flying
They gallop through time
They were never yours
They were never mine
Don't cry for the horses
They will be back some day
When our time has come
They will show us the way
Do you hear that soft nicker
Close to your ear
Don't cry for the horses
Love the ones that are here
By Brenda Riley Seymore


Somewhere, somewhere, in God's own space, there must be some sweet, pastured place

Where creeks sing on, and tall trees grow; some paradise where horses go.

For by the love that guides my pen, I know great horses live again
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Old 01-29-2007, 02:45 PM
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that is some sad new and when i went to look at the post there were 666 views
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Old 01-29-2007, 02:59 PM
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This is one I posted in the other thread, but it belongs here too:

The Grandest Foal

I'll lend you for a little while,
My grandest foal, God said.
For you to love while he's alive,
And mourn for when he's dead.
It may be one or twenty years,
Or days or months, you see.
But will you, til I take him back,
Take care of him for me?
He'll bring his charms to gladden you
And should his stay be brief,
You'll have those treasured memories,
As solace for your grief.
I cannot promise he will stay,
Since all from earth return.
But there are lessons taught on earth
I want this foal to learn.
I've looked the wide world over
In my search for teachers true.
And from the throngs that crowd life's lanes,
With trust, I have selected you.
Now will you give him all your love?
Nor think the labor vain,
Nor hate me when I come
To take him back again?
I know you'll give him tenderness
And love will bloom each day.
And for the happiness you've known,
You will forever-grateful stay.
But should I come and call for him
Much sooner than you'd planned.
You'll brave the bitter grief that comes,
And maybe understand.

Author Unknown
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Old 01-29-2007, 03:12 PM
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That was the worst text message to get off of a plane and read today when I get home.

I liked it better when I didn't know.

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