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Old 03-14-2007, 01:42 PM
somerfrost's Avatar
somerfrost somerfrost is offline
Atlantic City Race Course
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Chambersburg, Pa
Posts: 4,635
Default Race You to the Bottom

This is a movie that I've been waiting for, it opens March 30th in LA and I assume shortly thereafter nationwide. It stars Cole Williams and my girl, Amber Benson. I've seen several clips and it seems like a movie worth seeing. Amber is probably as nice a person as exists on this planet and she's one of my favorite actors...I'd love to see this movie do well but it probably won't "cross over", it has received high critical praise when shown at festivals but that seldom manifests in box office will probably be seen as a "gay film" and that alone will limit it's box...anyway, I'll go see it and I recommend it to anyone who likes a story about relationships and their effects: positive and negative.
"Always be yourself...unless you suck!"
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