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Old 07-05-2006, 05:33 PM
Bold Brooklynite
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Originally Posted by boldruler
Fidel Castro? Lets stick to E. Roosevelt. Fidel is worse than Ken Lay, if that is possible.
Mindless leftists never meet a mass-murdering dictator they don't love.

This guy probably wears a Che Guevara t-shirt. Some people are incapable of rational judgment.

Yes, indeed ... let's stick to Eleanor ... a silly twit ... but a decent, caring human being who did a lot of good for a lot of people.
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Old 07-05-2006, 05:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Cajungator26
Terrible things happen to good people, yes... but it doesn't always work out that way, ruler. Sometimes GREAT things happen to good people as well. Here is a quote that I always admired and believed in:

"It’s a wonder I haven’t abandoned all my ideals, they seem so absurd and impractical. Yet I cling to them because I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart.

It’s utterly impossible for me to build my life on a foundation of chaos, suffering and death. I see the world being slowly transformed into a wilderness, I hear the approaching thunder that, one day, will destroy us too, I feel the suffering of millions. And yet, when I look up at the sky, I somehow feel that everything will change for the better, that this cruelty too shall end, that peace and tranquility will return once more." - Anne Frank
I believe people are truly good, but life can make good people bad. Like I said, I am a deist, I believe in a creator, but I find it hard to believe Ken Lay will ever really face any justice. Nothing I have seen in life makes me believe that there is any true justice in the world. The fact is people's lives were ruined by Ken Lay and he didn't seem to care one bit.
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Old 07-05-2006, 05:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Bold Brooklynite
Mindless leftists never meet a mass-murdering dictator they don't love.

This guy probably wears a Che Guevara t-shirt. Some people are incapable of rational judgment.

Yes, indeed ... let's stick to Eleanor ... a silly twit ... but a decent, caring human being who did a lot of good for a lot of people.
E. Roosevelt was a good woman. Her My Day column that ran in the papers are an incredible read. She truly cared about the poor. Castro is just a dictator who is full of it. Che Guevara is another guy who was full of it and his relationship with Castro proved it. People that wear his shirts are clueless. Guevara and Castro were/are repsonible for a tremendous amount of suffering.
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Old 07-05-2006, 06:10 PM
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Originally Posted by 2MinsToPost
Man, a man is dead. He commited a crime(s) and was found guilty in a court of law. He was to be sentenced in October, punishment for his crime(s). He dies of a heart attack and leaves behind a family that will never see him again. I ask you this

Did he murder? Did he rape? I for one am not glad he died, but in all honesty, I don't care. I don't know him, just know of him. I feel for his family, loved ones. But in all honesty, depending on what you believe, he may or may not be in a better place. Let him be, it is not right at all to say the things that some are saying about someone who is dead and not of the likes of a terrorist, rapist, murderer etc..
no he screwed 300,000 or so people out of the pentions they worked for for 25 years....i saw a thing on dish ..about it froze the stock so the people who owned it could not sell..but the top guys bailed.on their stock makeing millions..the average guy worker who had 180.000 in stock pention befor the down fall his llifes work was worth 1200 bucks id say he got off easy not rotting but thats just me i guess..
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Old 07-05-2006, 06:13 PM
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Don't forget about Enron playing the California electric grid-- has anyone heard the tapes of the Enron Masters of the Universe crowing over the wildfires? Really upsetting stuff. Ah, Kenny Boy. The legacy you leave behind...

Please, some backup info as to why Eleanor is a "silly twit." You're right; cornering FDR on the US's ignoring the situation with the Jews in Germany was sooooo twittish.... what a twit, caring about the genocide before anyone else in the government! Who did she think she was, anyway? Twit.

I'm loving the quotes, people! Keep 'em coming...
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Old 07-05-2006, 06:16 PM
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now see that is why I said that his dieing, in my opinion hooves, is a bad thing cause people like him need to do time in prison for their crime. dieing at his age is the easy way out in my opinion, but I have to leave that to whatever higher power, religion, belief that each person holds and believes.

Originally Posted by hoovesupsideyourhead
no he screwed 300,000 or so people out of the pentions they worked for for 25 years....i saw a thing on dish ..about it froze the stock so the people who owned it could not sell..but the top guys bailed.on their stock makeing millions..the average guy worker who had 180.000 in stock pention befor the down fall his llifes work was worth 1200 bucks id say he got off easy not rotting but thats just me i guess..
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Old 07-05-2006, 07:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Cajungator26
Here is my opinion on that...

It is better to believe in something and THEN find out it isn't real than to NOT believe in something only to find out that it IS. Why not have your bases covered? JMO...
problem is, you won't KNOW if heaven doesn't exist...cause you'll be dead. sorry if that sounds a bit DOWN....
but, if you only want to cover bases, than how strong is your faith? not saying this to you to single you out, it's a hypothetical ? really....i've heard others say the same thing, and just wonder--how is that really believing? doesn't seem like it to me.
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Old 07-05-2006, 07:33 PM
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also, regarding all those who lost their money in enron--that goes to the most basic rule of investing--DIVERSIFY!!! don't put all your money in one company, or one fund. too much risk. yeah, lay was a bad guy--but those who only saw $ signs dancing in their heads must have some blame, shouldn't they? easy money....right?
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.
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Old 07-05-2006, 08:07 PM
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It's sad how narrow-minded some folks are....and how much they hate anyone different than they are or who thinks differently than they do...Mensa says I'm pretty smart, my degrees say I'm fairly well educated, my life's experiences tell folks I've been around, yet I'm a mindless twit to some because I find wisdom in the words of someone like's the message not the messenger for god sake! My quote from the former First Lady certainly has been proven here by the comments of some. I had the hours to take my undergrad degree in Philosophy and have read continually since but still I go back to Plato....all some ever see are the shadows on the cave wall, reflections of reality...really sad!
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Old 07-05-2006, 08:19 PM
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Originally Posted by somerfrost
It's sad how narrow-minded some folks are....and how much they hate anyone different than they are or who thinks differently than they do...Mensa says I'm pretty smart, my degrees say I'm fairly well educated, my life's experiences tell folks I've been around, yet I'm a mindless twit to some because I find wisdom in the words of someone like's the message not the messenger for god sake! My quote from the former First Lady certainly has been proven here by the comments of some. I had the hours to take my undergrad degree in Philosophy and have read continually since but still I go back to Plato....all some ever see are the shadows on the cave wall, reflections of reality...really sad!
Your ego is bigger than LIL KIM'S A$$.
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Old 07-05-2006, 08:24 PM
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER
Your ego is bigger than LIL KIM'S A$$.

As opposed to your's? Mine would be a grain of sand in the desert in comparison! It's funny, when anybody speaks up and calls people on their ignorance they are labeled arrogant...well, if that's the measure then I guess arrogance is better than narrow-mindedness. Actually, there is nothing wrong with arrogance unless it's paired with stupidity....and having an ego at least means you don't go through life depending solely on the id!
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Old 07-05-2006, 08:46 PM
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Originally Posted by somerfrost
As opposed to your's? Mine would be a grain of sand in the desert in comparison! It's funny, when anybody speaks up and calls people on their ignorance they are labeled arrogant...well, if that's the measure then I guess arrogance is better than narrow-mindedness. Actually, there is nothing wrong with arrogance unless it's paired with stupidity....and having an ego at least means you don't go through life depending solely on the id!

Originally Posted by somerfrost

1)"..I'm pretty smart,

2) my degrees say I'm fairly well educated,

3)my life's experiences tell folks I've been around

4) I had the hours to take my undergrad degree in Philosophy and have read continually since but still I go back to Plato

I am not even commenting on your fight with somebody else about the use of Castro's words ,or whoever's words.I am just saying your ego is pretty damn large.You have to admit that.Wouldn't you admit that? Why is it in dispute?
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Old 07-05-2006, 08:50 PM
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What the hell hell ever frosty the snowman. This man knew all along what he was doing with other people's money. Some people lost everything but their name and he gets to go to Club Med. I hope his family has to give all of the life insurance money and the ashes get sold on E-Bay to pay these people back he robbed. His crime is no worse than someone knocking off the local 7-11 store if you ask me. I won't wish death on someone but when it happens to certain people I'll jump up and dance. He screwed hard earning people out of thier retirement and lively hood with being like a sneaky rat. Go to Hell Ken Lay, My God show no mercy on your dirty rotten soul.
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Old 07-05-2006, 08:58 PM
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Originally Posted by packerbacker7964
What the hell hell ever frosty the snowman. This man knew all along what he was doing with other people's money. Some people lost everything but their name and he gets to go to Club Med. I hope his family has to give all of the life insurance money and the ashes get sold on E-Bay to pay these people back he robbed. His crime is no worse than someone knocking off the local 7-11 store if you ask me. I won't wish death on someone but when it happens to certain people I'll jump up and dance. He screwed hard earning people out of thier retirement and lively hood with being like a sneaky rat. Go to Hell Ken Lay, My God show no mercy on your dirty rotten soul.
He was a lot worse than a rapist,or a guy who knocks an old lady down (and takes her purse.)That is atleast a crime against just 1 person.This guy destroyed the future of a lot of people who counted on the money he stole from them.What he did was the equivalent of a serial rapist's work over a period of 30 years(non-stop.)
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Old 07-05-2006, 09:10 PM
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER
Originally Posted by somerfrost

1)"..I'm pretty smart,

2) my degrees say I'm fairly well educated,

3)my life's experiences tell folks I've been around

4) I had the hours to take my undergrad degree in Philosophy and have read continually since but still I go back to Plato

I am not even commenting on your fight with somebody else about the use of Castro's words ,or whoever's words.I am just saying your ego is pretty damn large.You have to admit that.Wouldn't you admit that? Why is it in dispute?
It's not in dispute, I'm just saying that your's isn't exactly tiny itself! I'm smarter than most folks...I'm also old, recently unemployed and things are looking mighty bleak...if things continue as recently, least I won't be the first smart, well-educated old fool living in a cardboard box over some heating grate...that says absolutely nothing but somehow makes me feel better with it or point out more of my perceived shortcomings...up to you!
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Old 07-05-2006, 09:28 PM
Downthestretch55 Downthestretch55 is offline
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Originally Posted by Danzig188
problem is, you won't KNOW if heaven doesn't exist...cause you'll be dead. sorry if that sounds a bit DOWN....
but, if you only want to cover bases, than how strong is your faith? not saying this to you to single you out, it's a hypothetical ? really....i've heard others say the same thing, and just wonder--how is that really believing? doesn't seem like it to me.
I'm not too sure I can answer your question. I can't give you belief.
That's completely up to you and your "free choice".
As for me, I have tried to follow the words of Jesus, as I believe.
"What does it profit a man to gain the riches of world, and lose his soul?"

It's not for me to judge.
Ken Lay made his choices.
Hey, that's what life gives you an opportunity to do.
Covering bases isn't "faith". It's more like betting "all" in the last leg of the
P-6. "Faith" means you single each of them...and then when you score, you give away your winnings, not just to your friends at a fancy dinner, but also to the others that have real need.
Just my two cents...

How long do any of us have to dance around on this planet?
Make the best and most of it.
Harm others less, help them more....
That's what I believe.
For sure, we'll all find out soon enough.

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Old 07-05-2006, 09:33 PM
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Originally Posted by somerfrost
It's not in dispute, I'm just saying that your's isn't exactly tiny itself! I'm smarter than most folks...I'm also old, recently unemployed and things are looking mighty bleak...if things continue as recently, least I won't be the first smart, well-educated old fool living in a cardboard box over some heating grate...that says absolutely nothing but somehow makes me feel better with it or point out more of my perceived shortcomings...up to you!
Guess ya could go do some intellectual sparring with your senator Santorum(what a piece of work.)How is he doing in his effort to somehow get people to re-elect him?
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Old 07-05-2006, 09:44 PM
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Originally Posted by SentToStud
I can't be happy over anyone's death, not Lay or anyone. After al, it's just not right and hell, he could come back as a horse I have singled and need real bad.
LOL. Nice one.
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Old 07-05-2006, 09:45 PM
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You dudes can continue this fascinating dialogue in the OT forum..
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Old 07-05-2006, 09:46 PM
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER
Guess ya could go do some intellectual sparring with your senator Santorum(what a piece of work.)How is he doing in his effort to somehow get people to re-elect him?
In this state, he just might succeed! Gotta control those gay folks ya know! The first decent politician to come out of this state since the elder Casey is our current governor...and he's in an impossible situation with the fruitcake legislature...folks are still campaigning on repealing slots for god sake!
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