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Old 07-25-2006, 10:00 PM
brockguy's Avatar
brockguy brockguy is offline
Santa Anita
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Default Miami Vice Premiere

Was just staying in South beach for a day before heading up to Boston and Rhode Island and stumbled across this premiere 3 blocks from my hotel. The amount of stunning looking women around was unreal, most notbaly, the interviewers. Most of them are fair nice, esp one particular Hispanic one in an orange dress. Anyway, I was waering a Diego Maradona T-Shirt and around 2 rows back so Im sure you could see me if you look at the clips close enough.. anyway, take care!

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Old 07-26-2006, 05:47 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by brockguy
Was just staying in South beach for a day before heading up to Boston and Rhode Island and stumbled across this premiere 3 blocks from my hotel. The amount of stunning looking women around was unreal, most notbaly, the interviewers. Most of them are fair nice, esp one particular Hispanic one in an orange dress. Anyway, I was waering a Diego Maradona T-Shirt and around 2 rows back so Im sure you could see me if you look at the clips close enough.. anyway, take care!
i cannot believe the brought this back. the original, made for tv, Miami vice movie starred don johnson.
it was on tv in the early 80's, just when coccaine was on the upswing in america before the aids epidemic.
following ther movie they made a tv series that aired all through the 80's on various cable channels.
so, what now they want to pretend it s new again.
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Old 07-26-2006, 06:04 PM
Posts: n/a

Welcome to America Brock!
I'm so happy you come and experience our culture
although the babes in South Beach are not quite
indicative as the ones you will find throughout our nation
Miami Vice, radical!
I had the white suit w/ the pink shirt and alligator boots
nose full of powder and a rubik's cube, those damn 80's,
why not make then new again?
have a good time in Boston, Brock
are you going to see where your ancestors lost their tea?
just teasing you're Irish
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Old 07-27-2006, 11:05 AM
Seattleallstar's Avatar
Seattleallstar Seattleallstar is offline
The Curragh
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im waiting for a A-team or Riptide adaptation to movie

my a-team cast

hannibal--gene hackman--yeah you heard me right
baracus--mr t of course
murdock-jim carrey or you can keep the original guy
faceman--matt damon
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