Originally Posted by freddymo
The claimer had raced 40 times and they incident is not close to this IMO.
So you want a man who entered the business 20 minutes ago wallet a blazin and someone who knows less about horses then me to be able to figure out and more impotantly be accountable for how and were the horse(700k albatross) is working out? Its the mans hobby he employees what some people think are the most outstanding bloodstock agents(other then DrugS), farm managers, and trainers etc. to run his HOBBY.. Do you want the owner of the Knicks to not let a NBA player play even after a team of doctors and like personnel cleared him to play..
All an owner can do after this occurs is question his employees and suggest they use more common sense protecting his good name and even that is a lot to ask IMO
So, Jackson's ignorant, and we should give him a pass. If that's you view, fine. But it's certainly not the way Jackson has portrayed himself as he has led his "crusade" to clean up the sport.