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Old 09-05-2008, 01:10 PM
GPK GPK is offline
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER
I think it's called covering your a-s-s.

Call it what you will.

Only people that drive me crazy are the ones that feel the need to shove their beliefs down your throat. When it comes to that stuff, live and let live is what I say.
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Old 09-05-2008, 01:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Coach Pants
The deciding factor in every election are the people who don't hold a strong bond with any party. Usually these people are extremely dumb, lazy, indecisive and fat. They vote primarily for more stuff. Whoever promises the most stuff gets their vote.

Right now Obama is playing the economy card acting like we're on the verge of becoming another Sudan. It's working.
Aren't Danzig n' PGRDN 2 examples of people that don't hold a strong bond with any party? I guess those are just exceptions to your extremely dumb, lazy, indecisive and fat theory.........The economy card? He is interested in improving the economy, and McCain seems more interested in "victory" in Iraq(seems if you've wasted a trillion dollars n' over 4000 Americans, then I don't understand how that will ever be a "victory.") When you get a victory, don't you defeat a foe? Soon as we leave, they will fight each other. Seems that those in favor of that war think the people there want Democracy. They don't. So, really a victory(a lasting Democracy in the Middle East) there is impossible.Whether we leave now, or in 2 years(and another 1000 lost Americans,) these people are gunna have a war for control of this s-h-i-t hole. The only way to keep that place a Democracy is to stay there and pour more money and lives away. That's exactly what McCain will do(stay there.) He is a stubborn goat, and he will not leave there. Our economy will continue to be savaged by the cost of that war. We will keep losing ground to the E.U. The dollar will continue to lose ground against the Euro and the British Pound. They don't have to throw their money away in Iraq (like we do.) There is no doubt the economy will be better under OBAMA. Simply not wasting the resources we throw away in Iraq gives him the economic edge. The European Countries are beating us economically, and that's not gunna change with McCain/Palin. We may be a bit safer(maybe,) but we are gunna lose more n' more ground (economically.) People need to realize the size of the national debt, and stop throwing the people's money away in a stupid effort to tame savages. All you can do is contain them. Their religion abhors freedom. Stop trying to make them want it(they don't..they never will want that.) If you want Democracy there, then you'll have to stay there(and spend the money n' lives necessary) and impose it on them, because they don't want it. Expensive little experiment. It's like turning saltwater into drinking water(you can do it if you want to pay the high price.)
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Old 09-05-2008, 02:00 PM
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Originally Posted by GPK
Call it what you will.

Only people that drive me crazy are the ones that feel the need to shove their beliefs down your throat. When it comes to that stuff, live and let live is what I say.
Obviously, most religious people have "the need." There is a gradient involved here. Islam having the most "need," and Buddhism having the least "need."....As far as players thanking God for success goes, is that part of religious doctrine(God will favor you in athletic events?) I think they think it doesn't hurt, and it could help(covering their a-s-s just in case.)
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Old 09-05-2008, 02:27 PM
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Originally Posted by GPK
I think it's called faith.

The point of this particular monologue is that if you are one who has faith in God, "He" surely would not favor one country over another. "He" does not need you stroke his ego by telling him He is the only God, by getting down on your news to him,etc.

Carlin is in a tough spot as an atheist trying to tell people what God is like, but he is trying to point out things some Christians do that fly in the face of reason and, more importantly(since we're talking about faith, not reason) things that are contrary to the teachings of Christ
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Old 09-05-2008, 03:28 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER
Aren't Danzig n' PGRDN 2 examples of people that don't hold a strong bond with any party? I guess those are just exceptions to your extremely dumb, lazy, indecisive and fat theory.........The economy card? He is interested in improving the economy, and McCain seems more interested in "victory" in Iraq(seems if you've wasted a trillion dollars n' over 4000 Americans, then I don't understand how that will ever be a "victory.") When you get a victory, don't you defeat a foe? Soon as we leave, they will fight each other. Seems that those in favor of that war think the people there want Democracy. They don't. So, really a victory(a lasting Democracy in the Middle East) there is impossible.Whether we leave now, or in 2 years(and another 1000 lost Americans,) these people are gunna have a war for control of this s-h-i-t hole. The only way to keep that place a Democracy is to stay there and pour more money and lives away. That's exactly what McCain will do(stay there.) He is a stubborn goat, and he will not leave there. Our economy will continue to be savaged by the cost of that war. We will keep losing ground to the E.U. The dollar will continue to lose ground against the Euro and the British Pound. They don't have to throw their money away in Iraq (like we do.) There is no doubt the economy will be better under OBAMA. Simply not wasting the resources we throw away in Iraq gives him the economic edge. The European Countries are beating us economically, and that's not gunna change with McCain/Palin. We may be a bit safer(maybe,) but we are gunna lose more n' more ground (economically.) People need to realize the size of the national debt, and stop throwing the people's money away in a stupid effort to tame savages. All you can do is contain them. Their religion abhors freedom. Stop trying to make them want it(they don't..they never will want that.) If you want Democracy there, then you'll have to stay there(and spend the money n' lives necessary) and impose it on them, because they don't want it. Expensive little experiment. It's like turning saltwater into drinking water(you can do it if you want to pay the high price.)
i'm none of those four things for sure scuds, you have a point. party/politics is one thing, what's best for this country is another.
i have to say the more i listen to conservative talk radio, the more disgusted i get with the conservatives, the republican 'base' and the ultra right. i understand rush limbaugh was dammed unhappy when mccain said he wasn't a party man, as rush believes it's party (as long as it's the republican party) before all. that's insane. both parties actually come up with good ideas on occasion, neither speaks to most citizens, so how can either one always be the right, or best one? depends on the topic i think.
as for imposing democracy, that's the most ironic thing ever. take this democracy or else! and it's true, you can't make people want it, or accept it. we wouldn't want another country coming here and demanding we change our govt, or our way of life, so who are we to do the same?

as for the economy, absolutely it's #1. but what intrigues me in that respect is that obama thinks he can offer more, but he essentially wants to keep bushes tax scheme, while only raising taxes on the rich, and by increasing capital gains taxes. so the debt, the deficit, won't be going anywhere.

inflation is rampant. why? oil and energy are the main reasons why we're having out of control inflation. solving, or working towards solving that problem will help the economy in general. won't solve all the problems, but it's quite a start.
also, highways and such are suffering fund-wise, as tax receipts are down since we're not travelling-so our infrastructure will suffer. both candidates have to have a realistic view of our natural resources and whether it would be in our best interest to start using our own, rather than buying from overseas. i guarantee that opec doesn't want us to drill for more of our own, as they have only one real source of income in that area. we bought from them, and ignored our own potential oil and gas markets because they were cheaper. that's no longer the case.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.
Abraham Lincoln
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Old 09-05-2008, 06:32 PM
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER
I never get owned on any discussion about policy. People simply start name calling etc., or more often, they change to another issue(such as you just did with the Dodger thread stuff.) What you call "getting owned" is almost always somebody changing the topic of discussion. It's clever etc., and I usually go ahead and let people do it. The fact is people run, turn a handle, or steer away from the topic.

1)Dodger threads(evading the topic at hand.)

2)Getting owned etc.( a claim with zero evidence)

3) You claim that the concern about the McCaine's health is a joke. You've attempted to make fun of somebody who has an excellent point. Men die from 72-76 a lot. So, this is a huge issue, and his V.P. pick is not the small issue people think it is.

4) You say r and d rarely if ever talk about the faults of their own parties. Well, of course they are going to talk about the faults of the party that stands for policies they despise.Those are the concerns they most have. I have said I disagree with the Democratic Party about immigration. It's a huge fault, but the Republicans aren't doing anything to stop it either. I want Mobil Exxon to stop getting tax credits while making 10 bil a quarter year. Republicans want to keep giving them that. I'm voting against them doing that. There is nothing incredibly special (to me) about the Democratic Party. I'm only concerned with stopping the implementation of the policies of the Republican Party. Any non-Republican candidate has a chance to get my vote. They've smoked 4k American Lives in Iraq(with not much of a return on those Americans lost...certainly not enough for me.) Those are 2 very big issues. Sorry, but the parties are far apart on them. I don't have a choice. There is only one party that can stop them. You call it partisan. I call it voting for people who share my own views on important topics. It's not like these 2 parties are close on their views. That's a myth perpetuated by people who don't know the views of each party. I will say something about the 2 people running on the Republican side. They are far,far,far better Americans than the 2 now in there. I will not feel nearly as bad about these 2 getting elected.
Dude you got owned on the Steve Garvey is a Hall of famer thread
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Old 09-05-2008, 07:09 PM
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Originally Posted by geeker2
soooo people get what they deserve?

All this side stepping crap and learning how not to answer a tough
question is required for politicians because "we" will freak if they
actually admit the problem is extraordinarily difficult. They give us exactly what "we" want. Vague dodging answers so as not to disturb us.

This election is a very tenuous one imo. In the next two months it could
swing either way. If Russia, for example, decides to flex muscles again
and really become intransigent with the EU and US this could be the
issue that puts McCain in. If another Bear-Stearns hidden financial
trouble comes to light in another major investment/banking company
Obama could be put in.
This is all rather unnerving. What goes on in this
country in the next two months (rather random things possibly) could
determine who we have for the next four years.
But we will have new leadership one way or another, and that is good.
So overall, I am very excited.
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Old 09-05-2008, 07:22 PM
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Originally Posted by pgardn

All this side stepping crap and learning how not to answer a tough
question is required for politicians because "we" will freak if they
actually admit the problem is extraordinarily difficult. They give us exactly what "we" want. Vague dodging answers so as not to disturb us.

This election is a very tenuous one imo. In the next two months it could
swing either way. If Russia, for example, decides to flex muscles again
and really become intransigent with the EU and US this could be the
issue that puts McCain in. If another Bear-Stearns hidden financial
trouble comes to light in another major investment/banking company
Obama could be put in.
This is all rather unnerving. What goes on in this
country in the next two months (rather random things possibly) could
determine who we have for the next four years.
But we will have new leadership one way or another, and that is good.
So overall, I am very excited.

I agree! Also, if we had a professional media reporting - it might be possible for politicians to be more - forthcoming. But as soon as you express a new or different idea you get blasted from all sides. And we ask for all these people to be squeaky clean - no wonder we don't get the best people in the important positions. Perhaps someday the electorate will get smart - but probably not in my lifetime - but one can hope.
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Old 09-05-2008, 07:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Cannon Shell
Dude you got owned on the Steve Garvey is a Hall of famer thread
Well, he will have to settle for what Barry Bonds will never get( a World Series Ring.) He helped beat 3 future Hall of Famers (Reggie Jackson, Winfield, Gossage) in the '81 World Series by getting 10 hits in 24 at bats( 2 walks too.) He might of made it if he wasn't such a horndog. BTW, he found his niche in the Dodger organization. He represented the Dodgers at a Hooters Wednesday Night. LOL...He seems to be doing o.k. Hall of Fame stuff isn't policy. It's opinion etc. How else would Tony Perez be in it? He was better than Perez.Your boy Andruw Jones has been in the dugout of late, but no at bats. Guess he does errands.
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Old 09-05-2008, 08:35 PM
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Palin went to six colleges in six years, got a journalism degree but there's no indication she ever worked for a school newspaper or anything like that. Seems newsworthy considering her lightweight resume:
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Old 09-05-2008, 08:40 PM
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This should end the argument i saw on here that Obama's Yale accomplishments were no more impressive than Palins college experience
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Old 09-05-2008, 08:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Mike
Palin went to six colleges in six years, got a journalism degree but there's no indication she ever worked for a school newspaper or anything like that. Seems newsworthy considering her lightweight resume:

She should have had Biden help her with the resume....
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Old 09-05-2008, 08:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Mike
This should end the argument i saw on here that Obama's Yale accomplishments were no more impressive than Palins college experience
Obama's Yale accomplishment are no greater than Scuds University of Istanbul experience. He went to Harvard.
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Old 09-05-2008, 09:59 PM
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Sorry, I misspoke. I meant to say Harvard, but it does show how little I know.

I'll investigate this if you really think Obama is not on a higher intellectual level than Palin

Scuds, what was your experience at Istanbul like?. Do you understand the Sunni's some?
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Old 09-05-2008, 10:00 PM
GPK GPK is offline
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Originally Posted by Mike
Sorry, I misspoke. I meant to say Harvard, but it does show how little I know.

I'll investigate this if you really think Obama is not on a higher intellectual level than Palin

What was Scuds experience at Istanbul. Does he understand the Sunni's some?

Ambassador I would imagine.
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Old 09-05-2008, 10:10 PM
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Apparently they're very tourist oriented in Instanbul and have a good nightlife scene.

It being a pivotal point in the international drug trade raises concerns that Scuds has not been properly vetted before being allowed to be a member here. Why did he choose to attend such a distant university (though it does have a top notch reputation)?

Why did Sarah Palin, an Idaho born/Alaskan raised girl, leave the University of Hawaii after two weeks, because it rained. I think two weeks in a college semester is too long to get your money for the semester refunded. Someone ate that bill.

I gave her a chance, but everything points to her being a bit of a dim wit
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Old 09-05-2008, 10:21 PM
GPK GPK is offline
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER
Obviously, most religious people have "the need." There is a gradient involved here. Islam having the most "need," and Buddhism having the least "need."....As far as players thanking God for success goes, is that part of religious doctrine(God will favor you in athletic events?) I think they think it doesn't hurt, and it could help(covering their a-s-s just in case.)

I don't think it has anything to do with currying favor from God in athletic events. It seems to me that many people that carry this faith, believe in their hearts that their God blessed them with a talent and maybe that is their way of thanking Him.

Again, there are radicals on both sides of the ball (no pun intended) that seem intent on jamming their particular beliefs down your throat. I have my particular faith that I choose to rely on and would never tell someone that believes different from me that they are wrong.
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Old 09-05-2008, 10:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Mike
Scuds, what was your experience at Istanbul like?. Do you understand the Sunni's some?
Yea, I understand the TURKS only too well. Here is the pattern:

1) They lie(often.)

2) Tell you "you're trippin'" (when you inform them that they're liars.)

3) Argument ensues, and ends in an abrupt stop in communication( probably after an "F-YOU")

4) After a given amount of time, they ask you how you are doing(as if there was never an argument.)

5) no doubt there soon will be a return to #1

These are "Western Loving" Turks (Secular non-religious types.) Good luck with the religious ones.
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Old 09-05-2008, 11:44 PM
Coach Pants
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER
I never get owned on any discussion about policy. People simply start name calling etc., or more often, they change to another issue(such as you just did with the Dodger thread stuff.) What you call "getting owned" is almost always somebody changing the topic of discussion. It's clever etc., and I usually go ahead and let people do it. The fact is people run, turn a handle, or steer away from the topic.

1)Dodger threads(evading the topic at hand.)

2)Getting owned etc.( a claim with zero evidence)

3) You claim that the concern about the McCaine's health is a joke. You've attempted to make fun of somebody who has an excellent point. Men die from 72-76 a lot. So, this is a huge issue, and his V.P. pick is not the small issue people think it is.

4) You say r and d rarely if ever talk about the faults of their own parties. Well, of course they are going to talk about the faults of the party that stands for policies they despise.Those are the concerns they most have. I have said I disagree with the Democratic Party about immigration. It's a huge fault, but the Republicans aren't doing anything to stop it either. I want Mobil Exxon to stop getting tax credits while making 10 bil a quarter year. Republicans want to keep giving them that. I'm voting against them doing that. There is nothing incredibly special (to me) about the Democratic Party. I'm only concerned with stopping the implementation of the policies of the Republican Party. Any non-Republican candidate has a chance to get my vote. They've smoked 4k American Lives in Iraq(with not much of a return on those Americans lost...certainly not enough for me.) Those are 2 very big issues. Sorry, but the parties are far apart on them. I don't have a choice. There is only one party that can stop them. You call it partisan. I call it voting for people who share my own views on important topics. It's not like these 2 parties are close on their views. That's a myth perpetuated by people who don't know the views of each party. I will say something about the 2 people running on the Republican side. They are far,far,far better Americans than the 2 now in there. I will not feel nearly as bad about these 2 getting elected.
tl;dr all of it

BUT...yeah people die between 72-76 but a very small percentage of those people have the access to the same health care McCain has.

Lets use some common sense here, people. Reagan was a vegetable and they kept him alive.
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Old 09-05-2008, 11:47 PM
GBBob GBBob is offline
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Can't we talk about Drug's Sister In Law people?
"but there's just no point in trying to predict when the narcissits finally figure out they aren't living in the most important time ever."
hi im god quote
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