If Geedubbya (and his "advisors") are good at 1 thing, it's figuring out how to get around these checks n' balances. The fact is that he got us into this war using false information. Of course, he does the sidestep by saying he didn't know it was bad. That may,or may not be true. Fact is he got around the checks n' balances by selling a lie very hard. How do you go to war against Iraq(when you need Congress to back it?)You tell a lie, or you find information that supports what you want to sell. I am amazed that people are so quick to give this guy a pass on this. What's to stop the next guy from doing the same thing? I got bad info. I didn't check it very well, but oh well. Got Congress to do what I wanted. The goal(invading Iraq) was accomplished. This is the way he got around these "checks n' balances." They didn't work. They got around them by selling a lie, and claiming ignorance. Nothing to keep another President from doing it again. |
Ok, I will bite.
McCain's message is that he wants to reform government by putting an end to the "me first, country second" culture in Washington. The Republican party has transformed into big government borrow and spend - The Democratic party once might have been big government tax and spend - now they are just big government spend.... and are more worried about getting elected than fighting for tax increases to the people and corporations who can most easily afford it. Any person who seriously puts "country first" and themselves second would demand that spending be cut in a big way and tax rev increased. Quote:
The vast majority of Americans don't need a tax cut.... and those making over 50K a year need an increase if anything. |
Watching C-Span now and they are talking about the economy. Thought I'd stay with it for a bit and see what is being done.
(I am paraphrasing these two speeches to illustrate what I heard) Hillary just talked for 20 minutes plus pointing her finger squarely at the Repubs the whole speech. In the last 30 seconds ending with we Democrats are here to help, but offered nothing specific. Jon Kyl spoke next for 20 minutes saying it wasn't us. We saw it coming, but the Dems blocked us and wouldn't let us fix it. He lost me late as he was blabbing on, but basically offered nothing just like Hillary. I'll never get the last 40 minutes of my life back.... |
Well, here is who they are gunna bail out. Somebody wants to make money off of an ice cream man. He says he wants something nice to live in, but can't afford it at all. Wealthy company wants to make money off anybody with 2 balls or a slit. So, they let him have a 500k loan to buy a house. The company doesn't care that he puts barely anything down etc. They just want that baby bottle(all that interest each month.) Problem is the house is now worth 350k-400k. They don't like that. Instead of taking that hit, Bush is gunna take that loan off their hands. You're gunna pay for it. The same people that claim they want smaller gov't etc. are the ones getting bailed out on loans they made. See the hypocrisy? Same as the war. They claim they want smaller gov't, but want to piss away a ton of money in IRAQ. Atleast the Libertarians are honest about being selfish a-holes. They don't say they want smaller gov't when it's convenient . They really want smaller gov't. These wealthy companies been living the high life on the high interest they've been charging on bad loans. When the price of houses go down, they don't want to take the hit they should have to take. The taxpayer is gunna take that hit. So, don't complain about taxes being too high on the wealthy. They are getting repaid here plenty in this deal. What about the parties, the vacations, the expensive houses paid for off the high interest on the bad loans? All is forgiven for the rich n' powerful. It's o.k. for them to get rich, but when it's time to lose a lil money, they claim bankruptcy n' beg BUSH to bail them out.
you say that like it's a bad thing |
What are you all talking about?? Nothing happened this week...
IF YOU TOOK THIS WEEK OFF, YOU DID NOT MISS ANYTHING.... **9-12-08 CLOSE** **9-19-08 AFT** S&P 1252 1251 DOW 11422 11391 2YR 2.21% 2.13% 10 YR 3.72% 3.75% 6MO BILLS 1.55 1.51 FN 30 5s 98-20+ 98-20 CDX IG10 148 150 |
so what the hell do those numbers mean in laymens terms?? |
Dont worry new taxes and regulation will rid the world of greed and it will benefit all
that will be the day |
My point was that what the Republicans brought, lower taxes and deregulation, isnt going too well. |
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