Originally Posted by Mike
There is some nonsense circulating on the 'net that Biden is going to drop out due to health reasons(he's had two brain aneurisms) and be replaced by Hillary.
The story goes that it's in response to the Palin popularity bump that McCain got, but that erection has gone down, and Obama is way up in the polls now, so I think it's a rumor that comes a week or two late. The rumor cites Biden's comments of the last few weeks, where he supposedly uttered a few Biden-isms as an accompanying reason why he's being dropped
Most of those internet rumors about Biden fail to grasp one of if not the most important reasons behind his selection. This isnt about winning a popularity contest with the nation and if that were the case hillary would have certainly been a better choice.
No, his selection had a lot to do with the fact that he was born in Scranton, he's still highly popular in PA, and will be much easier to sell than hillary in the rustbelt where the big battleground lays.
Obama is going to capture the same states with or without hillary. Biden might make that little bit of difference to swing a state or two.