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Old 06-22-2009, 01:57 PM
GPK GPK is offline
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Originally Posted by gales0678
here is a chance for anti-trust and bigs to vote on a talent/better situation

we all know who the better player is between myself and gpk - that one does not even have to go to a vote , i will never play in tournaments that he has already won and forgotten about but as far as hitting the from tee to green (not getting the ball into the hole) who do you think can hit more shots can play more shots - high hooks , low fades , driver over the corner of a dogleg to cut a fairway in half , punch wedges , buried sand shots , flop shots - now isn't the decision a littler harder after you saw us both play?

This was what you said.

If you seriously think that you can hit more shots or play more shots than me....well, I don't know what to say.

If u don't think I can hit high hooks, low fades, punch wedges, buried sand shots or flop shots....well again, I don't know what to say.

You do realize that the one round we played together, I was less than 1 year removed from back surgery that had me layed up for 2 months? I was maybe playing my 4th or 5th round of golf in a 16 month span??
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Old 06-22-2009, 01:58 PM
GPK GPK is offline
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Originally Posted by SniperSB23
Maybe if you are looking through binoculars from the wrong end.

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Old 06-22-2009, 02:06 PM
gales0678 gales0678 is offline
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Originally Posted by GPK
This was what you said.

If you seriously think that you can hit more shots or play more shots than me....well, I don't know what to say.

If u don't think I can hit high hooks, low fades, punch wedges, buried sand shots or flop shots....well again, I don't know what to say.

You do realize that the one round we played together, I was less than 1 year removed from back surgery that had me layed up for 2 months? I was maybe playing my 4th or 5th round of golf in a 16 month span??
again i never said better , but if you took 100 people and asked them to vote , some of them may not know a thing about golf at all , i might get a few votes just based on distance and distance alone

i am admitting i need 6 shots , and , i am willing to play you with 6 shots whenever you would like. i myself an stuck behind a computer 10 hrs a day at work and play 1x a week so i won't have my "A" game either
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Old 06-22-2009, 02:08 PM
SniperSB23 SniperSB23 is offline
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Originally Posted by gales0678
again i never said better , but if you took 100 people and asked them to vote , some of them may not know a thing about golf at all , i might get a few votes just based on distance and distance alone
So what you are saying is that Phil is more talented on the reasoning that a bunch of people who know nothing about golf might think he was based on a few shots?
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Old 06-22-2009, 02:10 PM
GPK GPK is offline
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Originally Posted by gales0678
again i never said better , but if you took 100 people and asked them to vote , some of them may not know a thing about golf at all , i might get a few votes just based on distance and distance alone

i am admitting i need 6 shots , and , i am willing to play you with 6 shots whenever you would like. i myself an stuck behind a computer 10 hrs a day at work and play 1x a week so i won't have my "A" game either
Im not saying you ever said better. You just talked about being able to hit more shots and play more shots.

you think you can hit more and play more shots than me?
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Old 06-22-2009, 02:16 PM
gales0678 gales0678 is offline
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Originally Posted by SniperSB23
So what you are saying is that Phil is more talented on the reasoning that a bunch of people who know nothing about golf might think he was based on a few shots?

some people who are non-golfers may come to the conclusion that phil is more talented based on what the see on the course or on tv

i personally think phil has as much if not more talent than tiger

tiger has the abiltiy to hit all the shots under the biggest circumstances , today phil missed 2 putts on 15 and 17 that tiger never misses when he is tied for the lead or has the lead and NEEDS to make the putt - that is not talent , that is heart and all heart - he has the biggest heart in the majors when it counts , do you really think that if glover was tied with woods with 4 holes to play that woods would not have won?

you watch AM works scott , there are some horses that can do it in the AM as good if not better than some stakes horses and then they go across the street in the afternoon and they can't run a lick - why is that , the talent is there but maybe the heart is lacking when they get in the gate with 8 others?
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Old 06-22-2009, 02:18 PM
Scav Scav is offline
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Originally Posted by GPK
You hit it farther than me, that is it.

You seriously can't base the shots that you can hit vs. the shots I can hit on 1 round of golf. Especially givens the circumstances.

My handicap was a +4 for a while for a reason Marty. You don't go over a month without shooting a round over 69 without having alot of shots in your bag.

I promise you, when I was healthy and playing alot of golf, you and I could have played $100 a hole, 5 days a week, me giving you 3 a side...and I could have quit my day job
Oh wow....Look what happens when I stay away from the internet for a couple hours, serious INTERNET TOUGHNESS right here

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Old 06-22-2009, 02:20 PM
GPK GPK is offline
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Originally Posted by Scav

Oh wow....Look what happens when I stay away from the internet for a couple hours, serious INTERNET TOUGHNESS right here

^^ John Daly Jr.
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Old 06-22-2009, 02:22 PM
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I have to give props to both Ricky, and Duval. They both held it together much better than I thought they would. I thought Ricky would shoot about 81, or 82 in the 4th round. I thought Duval would shoot about a 75. Considering their results over the last 5-7 years,$559k is a lot of money for either of them to be making on this tour.
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Old 06-22-2009, 02:23 PM
gales0678 gales0678 is offline
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Originally Posted by GPK
Im not saying you ever said better. You just talked about being able to hit more shots and play more shots.

you think you can hit more and play more shots than me?
me personally no , you are a pro , but if you take 100 people off the side of the road some may be golfers some may not be golfers , and i hit shots and you hit shots -- will i really get no votes at all ,zero votes do you really believe that?

if you showed those same people results from tournaments , and you asked them to vote based on our results in those tournaments , there is no way i could ever get a vote , not 1 , not even a 1/2 a vote
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Old 06-22-2009, 02:25 PM
gales0678 gales0678 is offline
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER
I have to give props to both Ricky, and Duval. They both held it together much better than I thought they would. I thought Ricky would shoot about 81, or 82 in the 4th round. I thought Duval would shoot about a 75. Considering their results over the last 5-7 years,$559k is a lot of money for either of them to be making on this tour.
no question - both played better than phil the last 4 holes!
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Old 06-22-2009, 02:29 PM
GPK GPK is offline
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Originally Posted by gales0678
me personally no , you are a pro , but if you take 100 people off the side of the road some may be golfers some may not be golfers , and i hit shots and you hit shots -- will i really get no votes at all ,zero votes do you really believe that?

if you showed those same people results from tournaments , and you asked them to vote based on our results in those tournaments , there is no way i could ever get a vote , not 1 , not even a 1/2 a vote
You would defenitely get some votes. I know a decent player when I see it. I know you are better than what your handicap says. But you made it sound like you had all these shots in your game that your are capable of that I am not.
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Old 06-22-2009, 02:33 PM
Gander Gander is offline
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Okay I am one of the biggest Tiger fans out there, but enough is enough. Way to much coverage of him and wouldnt you know it, a long post interview while the others are still playing for the Cup. Interesting Stenson finishes 1 shot behind Tiger but they show how many of his shots today? None!
How many shots did they miss from Tiger today? None! I didnt feel like Tiger ever had a shot at this today.

Good for Danny Glover. Nice to see someone like him not fold under the pressure.

But this US Open will be remembered as the one Phil let slip away (broken record) and the one Tiger didnt have his A game in. A third story will be the nice comeback of David Duval. The golf media are very predictable.
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Old 06-22-2009, 02:35 PM
GPK GPK is offline
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Originally Posted by Gander
Okay I am one of the biggest Tiger fans out there, but enough is enough. Way to much coverage of him and wouldnt you know it, a long post interview while the others are still playing for the Cup. Interesting Stenson finishes 1 shot behind Tiger but they show how many of his shots today? None!
How many shots did they miss from Tiger today? None! I didnt feel like Tiger ever had a shot at this today.

Good for Danny Glover. Nice to see someone like him not fold under the pressure.

But this US Open will be remembered as the one Phil let slip away (broken record) and the one Tiger didnt have his A game in. A third story will be the nice comeback of David Duval. The golf media are very predictable.

They showed 1 of his shots...the putt he made for birdie on 18
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Old 06-22-2009, 02:37 PM
GPK GPK is offline
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Anyhoo....check out this crazy ass golf course Im playing in a couple weeks
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Old 06-22-2009, 02:37 PM
Gander Gander is offline
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Originally Posted by gales0678
at least 70 would be my guess
I'd say more like 80

Just kidding!

Gales, I'd say if you played in today's US Open Final Round and had a 9 shot lead heading into 16, you would have had a puncher's chance to hold on and win.
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Old 06-22-2009, 02:38 PM
SniperSB23 SniperSB23 is offline
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Originally Posted by GPK
They showed 1 of his shots...the putt he made for birdie on 18
What is most frustrating when they completely neglect the shots of anyone but the top couple groups is that when they do actually show them you know they are going to make the shot. It takes all the excitement out of seeing someone hole a long fairway iron when you know it is coming.
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Old 06-22-2009, 02:38 PM
Gander Gander is offline
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Originally Posted by GPK
They showed 1 of his shots...the putt he made for birdie on 18
Oh my bad, I did see that.
That is when he was declared the "Leader in the Clubhouse."
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Old 06-22-2009, 02:39 PM
gales0678 gales0678 is offline
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Originally Posted by GPK
You would defenitely get some votes. I know a decent player when I see it. I know you are better than what your handicap says. But you made it sound like you had all these shots in your game that your are capable of that I am not.
if i came off that way i apoligize , my whole point was to try to explain to lori that talent is subjective - and with phil and tiger the talent is there with both of them , they both have won a lot of tournaments , but we have seen phil miss two putts today in the last 4 holes of a major that he should have won ..... i have never seen tiger miss a putt in a similar situation, i can't ever remember him having a miss with a lead in major with under 4 holes to go from 6 ft and in ..... and those shots/putts have nothing to do with talent ..... so once we watch these tournaments and base our opinions of talent on these tournaments , whether we like it or not our opinion on who is more talented is flawed
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Old 06-22-2009, 02:41 PM
gales0678 gales0678 is offline
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Originally Posted by SniperSB23
What is most frustrating when they completely neglect the shots of anyone but the top couple groups is that when they do actually show them you know they are going to make the shot. It takes all the excitement out of seeing someone hole a long fairway iron when you know it is coming.

agree - that's what the suits don't get , if you are always on tiger and the last group or groups and someone else does something and you have been watching the whole time and the cut to this guy all of a sudden , you know what coming ....... the ball is going in the hole , it's terrible really
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